jazz-soft / jazz-midi

MIDI support for Node.js and browsers
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sysex identity messages from hardware synths in Firefox are split into 3 chunks #2

Closed jeffgca closed 2 years ago

jeffgca commented 3 years ago

I am testing out how to detect synthesizers from browsers and ran into what looks like a low-level bug in the JAZZ plugin or webmidi-api browser extension. I'm logging the bug here because the lower-level code involved is in the JZZ library but feel free to move this issue if I've gotten that wrong.

To reproduce:

  1. install the Jazz plugin and web-midi-api plugin in Firefox and ensure that they are working eg that the WebMIDI implementation exists. As well, ensure that a MIDI instrument of some sort ( I tested with a Waldorf Blofeld ) is connected to the computer via a MIDI interface ( USB, Bluetooth, etc )

  2. open this url in both chrome and Firefox:


  1. open firefox and chrome devtools

  2. click the "scan" button in either browser

You should see several objects printed out in the console in both browsers.

Expected results

The messages printed out from the top of the onMSG handler should be the same

Actual results

Firefox prints out 5 messages ( see below ) for me whereas Chrome prints two. Firefox's messages appear to be split at 3 or 6 bytes in length

Firefox devtools console:

0: 240
1: 126
2: 1
_from: Array [ {…} ]
length: 3
: Array []
0: 6
1: 2
2: 62
_from: Array [ {…} ]
length: 3
: Array []
0: 19
1: 0
2: 0
3: 0
4: 49
5: 46
_from: Array [ {…} ]
length: 6
: Array []
0: 50
1: 52
2: 247
_from: Array [ {…} ]
length: 3
: Array []
0: 240
1: 126
2: 127
3: 6
4: 1
5: 247
_from: Array [ {…} ]
length: 6
: Array []

Chrome Console:

gt(6) [240, 126, 127, 6, 1, 247, _from: Array(1)]0: 2401: 1262: 1273: 64: 15: 247length: 6_from: [f]__proto__: Array(0)

gt(15) [240, 126, 1, 6, 2, 62, 19, 0, 0, 0, 49, 46, 50, 52, 247, _from: Array(1)]0: 2401: 1262: 13: 64: 25: 626: 197: 08: 09: 010: 4911: 4612: 5013: 5214: 247length: 15_from: [f]__proto__: Array(0)
jazz-soft commented 3 years ago

Is that Windows or other OS? Does it work properly if you run it with the node script?

jeffgca commented 3 years ago

Apologies - this is macOS Mojave ( 10 .14 ).

Happy to test in node - which script are you referring to?

jazz-soft commented 3 years ago

Try to run via Node some code similar to what you run in browser.

jeffgca commented 3 years ago

I tried with a script ( see below ) and also tested using the jzz-midi-gear demo page in Firefox and Chrome. Chrome works, but I never see the identity response messages from the attached synths in Firefox or the node script.


I seem to be running the latest versions of jazz-midi and webmidi-api Firefox extensions. Happy to test further if you have suggestions of how to get better debugging info.

var JZZ = require('jzz');
const _ = require('lodash');

function onMidiMsg(msg) {
  // debugger;
  if (msg.isIdResponse()) {
    console.log('ID RESP>', _.toArray(msg));

  else {
    console.log('RAW>', _.toArray(msg))

JZZ({ sysex:true })
  .or(function(){ console.warn('Cannot start MIDI engine!'); })
  .and(function() {
    var info = this.info();

    let inputs = _.map(info.inputs, (_in, i) => {
      return [info.inputs[i].name, info.inputs[i].id]


    for (var i in info.outputs) { 

    let outputs = _.map(info.inputs, (_in, i) => {
      // this.openMidiIn(i).connect(onMidiMsg);
      setTimeout(() => {
      }, 200);
      return [info.outputs[i].name, info.outputs[i].id]
jazz-soft commented 3 years ago

Can you use msg.toString() instead of _.toArray(msg) ? - that would be easier to understand... Also, can you please run the script above from node? (If you are not well familiar with node, I can provide more detailed instructions)

jeffgca commented 3 years ago

I did, I ran the above script using node.

_.toArray is a lodash function that just casts an array-like object to a real array:


jazz-soft commented 3 years ago

What did the node script output - chunked or complete sysex?

jeffgca commented 3 years ago

Thanks for getting back to me.

What did the node script output - chunked or complete sysex?

The node script didn't get any sysex messages from the hardware. That's the interesting thing, and I'll try to provide some additional context in case it's helpful.

I have a very simple node[1] script that impersonates a specific synthesizer, it's handy for testing if you are at a cafe or something. As well, I have a Waldorf Blofeld connected via USB to my laptop.

I have also reduced the node jzz script to as small an example as possible [2]

As I sit here and test the codepen example, I see three distinct behaviours:

  1. In Chrome both the hardware Blofeld and emulated script are detected properly. The sysex message that gets passed into jzz's input message callback gets full, complete sysex messages. The input callback gets called only twice, one for each response message.
  2. In Firefox I see a single, complete response coming from the emulation script but 4 messages coming from the hardware Blofeld.
  3. in the jzz node script I don't see any sysex messages coming the the hardware blofeld, the callback isn't called. I do see complete messages coming from my emulation script.

In order to make sure the behaviour I was seeing from the Blofeld could be generalized, I also plugged in a Novation Peak and saw that neither the Peak nor the Blofeld were detected, and that in Firefox there were 3 ( Peak ) or 4 ( Blofeld ) messages sent to the input callback instead of the expected single callback. In the jzz-based node script ( below ) the input callback is never called for messages from the Peak or the Blofeld, but it is called for messages sent from the emulation script.

I've also got MIDI Monitor open, and MIDI monitor logs the correct messages from the Peak and Blofeld, similar to chrome.

[1] node-midi based local mock synth

const midi = require('midi');

let mopho = {
  rawId: 'f0 7e 00 06 02 01 25 01 00 00 21 00 00 f7',
  brand: 'Dave Smith',
  model: 'Mopho',
  type: 'Synth Module',
  arrId: [
    240, 126, 0, 6,  2, 1,
     37,   1, 0, 0, 33, 0,
      0, 247
  vendorId: [ 1 ],
  strVendorId: '1'

let name = 'FakeMopho';
let out = new midi.Output();


let input = new midi.Input();
input.ignoreTypes(false, true, true);

input.on('message', (ts, msg) => {
  console.log(`IN> ${ts}\t${msg}`);
  // naive comparison
  if (msg.join('-') === '240-126-127-6-1-247') {
    console.log('Got sysex ID request.');

[2] JZZ node script

var JZZ = require('jzz');

JZZ({ sysex:true })
  .or(function(){ console.warn('Cannot start MIDI engine!'); })
  .and(function() {
    var info = this.info();

    for ( var i in info.inputs) {
      let _i = i;
      this.openMidiIn(i).connect(function (msg) {
        console.log(`${info.inputs[_i].name} ${msg.isIdResponse()}`, msg.toString());

    for (var i in info.outputs) { 
jazz-soft commented 3 years ago

Strange... everything works for me in Node, Chrome, Firefox, and even Safari...

Screen Shot 2021-02-11 at 9 46 14 PM

here are my test scripts:

var MT = require('midi-test');
var src = new MT.MidiSrc('Fake device');

var dst = new MT.MidiDst('Fake device');
dst.receive = function(msg) {
  if (msg[0] == 240 && msg[1] == 126 && msg[3] == 6 && msg[4] == 1 && msg[5] == 247) {
    console.log('received:', msg);
    console.log('Sending ID response');
    src.emit([240, 126, 0, 6, 2, 1, 37, 1, 0, 0, 33, 0, 0, 247]);
    src.emit([240, 126, 1, 6, 2, 62, 19, 0, 0, 0, 49, 46, 50, 52, 247]);
var JZZ = require('jzz');

var inputs;
var outputs;

JZZ().or('Cannot start MIDI!').and(function() {
  var info = this.info();
  inputs = info.inputs;
  outputs = info.outputs;
  console.log('Inputs:', inputs);
  console.log('Outputs:', outputs);
  for (var i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) this.openMidiIn(i).or('Cannot open MIDI-In').connect(midi_handle(inputs[i].name));
  setTimeout(send_id_requests, 100);
  setTimeout(function() { JZZ().close(); }, 1000);

function send_id_requests() {
  for (var i = 0; i < outputs.length; i++) {
    JZZ().openMidiOut(i).or('Cannot open MIDI-out').sxIdRequest();

function midi_handle(name) {
  return function(msg) {
    console.log(name + ': ' + msg);
    if (msg.isIdResponse()) console.log(msg.gearInfo());
jeffgca commented 3 years ago

Interesting! Definitely seems to be something with my system then - I'll look into this more tomorrow because I'd really like to be able to test with different browsers. Thanks again for the help.

jazz-soft commented 2 years ago

I once saw a similar issue when using a generic-made MIDI cable. I threw the cable away :)