jazzband / django-downloadview

Serve files with Django.
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DownloadView and DownloadResponse use some file wrapper #23

Closed benoitbryon closed 11 years ago

benoitbryon commented 11 years ago

In download views, we want to instanciate a download response. We currently compute file attributes (size, name, ...) and pass it to the response constructor. The more attributes (see #21), the more the response class gets complicated. Moreover we would like these attributes (see #22) to be lazy. We could implement some methods that support storages (and thus, FileField and ImageField). But then, what if someone wants to change the behaviour? He would have to override the response class.

The response class should have some "file" (or whatever the name) attribute, and handle it via some API. Could sound like "the response's file attribute is an object with url, filename, basename, size... attributes". Then it would make it possible to have various implementations for this "file wrapper". One would use Django storages.

Could look like django.db.models.fields.files.FieldFile, but not tied to models.

Could help #5, #21 and #22.

List of attributes for the file wrapper:

Are these attributes needed?

benoitbryon commented 11 years ago

basename is an attribute of the download response. Can be different from file's name.

benoitbryon commented 11 years ago

Some examples...

Use case: stream a file which exists on disk.

Use case: a file that lives in some model, using a storage.

Use case: generate and stream a CSV file without writing it to disk:

=> The iterator over file contents seems to be the only mandatory requirement.

=> name and url are optional. Even if they seem recommended for server optimizations (Django could write in a temporary file, but this is not the best optimization).

=> size is recommended, but optional. If "name" is provided, then size can be computed with os.stat. If URL is provided, size could be useful, but in case of server optimizations, the server may be able to add the content-length header. If the file is a virtual one (dynamic streaming), then it seems difficult to provide a size before the whole file contents is iterated. Does the lack of "Content-Length" compromise the download?

=> content_type, mime_type, charset and maybe some other attributes are optional: they can be computed by the response class. However, if they are provided, we should use them, because it allows optimizations and customizations.

=> modification_time seems useful, but could be optional (could default to "always new").

benoitbryon commented 11 years ago

Django's storage API provides "modified_time" (not "modification_time"), "accessed_time" and "created_time".

benoitbryon commented 11 years ago

In Django's storage API (and thus FieldFiles), file wrappers have:

=> The difference seems important. Let's keep this design.