jazzband / django-floppyforms

Full control of form rendering in the templates.
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decimalfield should specify step=any #70

Closed puterleat closed 9 years ago

puterleat commented 11 years ago

To avoid a validation error in chrome when entering decimals, the DecimalField template should specify

<input type="number" step="any" />

See: http://blog.isotoma.com/2012/03/html5-input-typenumber-and-decimalsfloats-in-chrome/

What I have done so far is this:

Added this to input.html:

{% if attrs.decimal %}step="any"{% endif %}

And created a new widget like this:

class DecimalInput(floppyforms.widgets.NumberInput):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        kwargs['attrs'] = {'decimal':True}
        super(DecimalWidget, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
caacree commented 9 years ago

Not sure why this hasn't been implemented, I just ran into it as well. It's an easy fix, but should definitely be implemented into the field.

Instead of step="any", set it to be based on the number of decimal places. ie. step=".01" for decimal places=2 on the field, etc.

gregmuellegger commented 9 years ago

Yep that's a great idea! I think that ticket just slipped through our attention. I would be great to have this in the project. Would you like to implement that in a pull request?

caacree commented 9 years ago

I've never contributed to a project before, but I'll give it a shot. Give me a few hours and I'll be back to work it out.

gregmuellegger commented 9 years ago

Great that you want to give it a shot! Feel free to ask any question if you can't get along. A good place to start is usually to write a failing test. Because then you have the confidence that the patch you are developing will do exactly what you want.

marcoala commented 9 years ago

Stepped into this one as well, @caacree are you still working on this? I could try to write a patch for it

gregmuellegger commented 9 years ago

@marcoala Sure, go ahead :) Cheers for stepping up.

caacree commented 9 years ago

Sorry guys, totally forgot about this until I saw it in my email this morning. Honestly slipped my mind.

Just submitted the pull request.

caacree commented 9 years ago

Hey Greg, sorry about that the first time around. Let me know if the tests pass now (not sure if there's a way I can see TravisCI stuff inside Github or I need it installed myself?).


gregmuellegger commented 9 years ago

I just release django-floppyforms 1.5.0 which includes the changes for this ticket. Happy coding.