jazzband / django-newsletter

An email newsletter application for the Django web application framework, including an extended admin interface, web (un)subscription, dynamic e-mail templates, an archive and HTML email support.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Unable to call the subscribe api using Axios in React frontend #377

Open eakenbor opened 2 years ago

eakenbor commented 2 years ago

Calling the url "//subscribe/" using axios from a React frontend does not work when the user is not authenticated. However, it works on Postman when using form-data instead of the request body.

Here is my code:

const formData = new FormData()
formData .append("email_field", "example@email.com)
axios.post("/<general-newsletter/subscribe/", formData )

On sending, nothing happens in the backend instead of registering the email as an unactivated subscription.

Please can someone help me with this?