jazzband / django-oauth-toolkit

OAuth2 goodies for the Djangonauts!
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Token POST request hangs with ASGI #929

Open abhinavsingh opened 3 years ago

abhinavsingh commented 3 years ago

Describe the bug

We have a Django project which serves multiple sites via a virtualhost middleware setup (not via Django site framework). This allows us to serve multiple sites from a single Django project instance, using the same settings.py but dynamic urlconf.

In this setup, there is a single auth provider, imagine localhost. Other sites use localhost as auth provider. E.g. myapp1.localhost is an OAuth client for localhost (provider). We are using Django social auth pipeline with custom OAuth backend to setup custom OAuth provider.

Everything works fine (from CLI). However, token POST request calls hangs indefinitely under ASGI mode. After some digging, we were able to confirm this behavior by running under WSGI mode, under which everything works fine.

In gist, here is how the flow looks like:

  1. User visits myapp1.localhost:8000/social/login/custom/
  2. This redirects user to localhost:8000/o/authorize/?......
  3. User successfully logins and accepts OAuth flow on localhost:8000
  4. User is redirected back to myapp1.localhost:8000/social/complete/custom/
  5. This triggers a server side API token request to localhost:8000/o/token/ which unfortunately hangs indefinitely.

Looking at logs, it hangs here:

[2021-03-03 08:55:40,021] DEBUG urllib3.connectionpool - connectionpool:_new_conn:227 - Starting new HTTP connection (1): localhost:8000

If we disable ASGI mode, everything works smoothly. Then logs look like:

[2021-03-03 08:55:40,021] DEBUG urllib3.connectionpool - connectionpool:_new_conn:227 - Starting new HTTP connection (1): localhost:8000
[2021-03-03 08:55:40,023] DEBUG oauthlib.oauth2.rfc6749.endpoints.token - token:create_token_response:116 - Dispatching grant_type authorization_code request to <oauthlib.oauth2.rfc6749.grant_types.authorization_code.AuthorizationCodeGrant object at 0x1144408b0>.
[2021-03-03 08:55:40,400] DEBUG oauthlib.oauth2.rfc6749.grant_types.authorization_code - authorization_code:validate_token_request:533 - Using provided redirect_uri http://myapp1.localhost:8000/social/complete/custom/?redirect_state=3EbZCgPGPP5WPYpYb7xFXpKQXV9Gx94j
[2021-03-03 08:55:40,441] DEBUG oauthlib.oauth2.rfc6749.grant_types.authorization_code - authorization_code:create_token_response:302 - Token request validation ok for <oauthlib.Request SANITIZED>.
[2021-03-03 08:55:41,157] DEBUG urllib3.connectionpool - connectionpool:_make_request:452 - http://localhost:8000 "POST /o/token/ HTTP/1.1" 200 169

To Reproduce

To reproduce:

  1. Add a middleware which adjust request.urlconf based upon incoming host. For localhost urlconf is similar to that of a provider. For myapp1.localhost urlconf simply offers OAuth login/complete/disconnect URLs (using django python social)
  2. Initiating OAuth flow by visiting myapp1.localhost:8000/social/login/custom/ will result in above error.

Disable ASGI and everything will start to work fine. Let me know if a working project is necessary to debug and reproduce this.

Expected behavior

Behavior for ASGI and WSGI should be same. Currently workflow hangs under ASGI mode.



MattBlack85 commented 3 years ago

@abhinavsingh could you provide additional debugging info? 1) does the request reach the token view? 2) no views here are async ready, I'm wondering if that's the issue? Tho I would simply expect the o/token to block, do its stuff and return 3) could you bump your loggin level to verbose and chek at which point it hangs and which components are hit?

abhinavsingh commented 3 years ago

Hi @MattBlack85 , thanks for response and apologies for a) missing it and b) unable to get back to it earlier.

  1. Currently, we are able to bypass this limitation by using 2 separate instances, one each for asgi and wsgi, behind a LB in production.
  2. Turning log level to verbosity reveals nothing extra. Below are the logs and my attempt to explain it. TL;DR: Looks like request for access_token simply hangs when running under asgi.

Logs below are for oauth related libraries. Here 1st line indicates successful authorization, 2nd is for client side redirect and 3rd is for client side access_token which hangs.

[2021-03-31 05:41:09,199] DEBUG oauthlib.oauth2.rfc6749.grant_types.authorization_code - authorization_code:create_authorization_response:278 - Saving grant {'code': 'byrOuK00bIX5gFvUENGViBHs7Pi2Kw', 'state': 'jOhFYuTp0tNh9rrVvhFgBPLrvil6NYJH'} for <oauthlib.Request SANITIZED>.

[2021-03-31 05:41:09,245] DEBUG oauth2_provider - base:form_valid:137 - Success url for the request: http://91883269ebec.ngrok.io/social/complete/custom/?redirect_state=jOhFYuTp0tNh9rrVvhFgBPLrvil6NYJH&code=byrOuK00bIX5gFvUENGViBHs7Pi2Kw&state=jOhFYuTp0tNh9rrVvhFgBPLrvil6NYJH

[2021-03-31 05:41:09,900] DEBUG urllib3.connectionpool - connectionpool:_new_conn:227 - Starting new HTTP connection (1): localhost:8000

Following log lines indicates successful redirect to client:

[2021-03-31 05:41:09,248] INFO django.channels.server - runserver:log_action:153 - HTTP POST /o/authorize/?client_id=UJ9d4YuWb7l27JcJkcbVa9k9RZ6AUczxOVivh5Sb&redirect_uri=http%3A%2F%2F91883269ebec.ngrok.io%2Fsocial%2Fcomplete%2Fcustom%2F%3Fredirect_state%3DjOhFYuTp0tNh9rrVvhFgBPLrvil6NYJH&state=jOhFYuTp0tNh9rrVvhFgBPLrvil6NYJH&response_type=code 302 [0.54,]

Below lines are from Daphne server log, see explanation inline.

# User presses accept 
[2021-03-31 05:41:08,713] DEBUG daphne.http_protocol - http_protocol:process:160 - HTTP b'POST' request for ['', 50023]

# Provider redirects
[2021-03-31 05:41:09,247] DEBUG daphne.http_protocol - http_protocol:handle_reply:255 - HTTP 302 response started for ['', 50023]
[2021-03-31 05:41:09,247] DEBUG daphne.http_protocol - http_protocol:finish:223 - HTTP close for ['', 50023]
[2021-03-31 05:41:09,248] DEBUG daphne.http_protocol - http_protocol:handle_reply:269 - HTTP response complete for ['', 50023]

# Client handles redirect
[2021-03-31 05:41:09,847] DEBUG daphne.http_protocol - http_protocol:process:160 - HTTP b'GET' request for ['', 50030]

# Provider receives access_token request
[2021-03-31 05:41:09,903] DEBUG daphne.http_protocol - http_protocol:process:160 - HTTP b'POST' request for ['', 50032]

# After timeout interval, following log lines are printed
# Finally client redirect handler gives up
[2021-03-31 05:46:09,865] DEBUG daphne.http_protocol - http_protocol:connectionLost:213 - HTTP disconnect for ['', 50030]

# This is probably a auto re-attempt by browser to again serve the client redirect url
[2021-03-31 05:46:10,791] DEBUG daphne.http_protocol - http_protocol:process:160 - HTTP b'GET' request for ['', 50055]

# Daphne prints following log about log running task being killed
[2021-03-31 05:46:20,398] WARNING daphne.server - server:application_checker:270 - Application instance <Task pending name='Task-4' coro=<StaticFilesWrapper.__call__() running at /Users/abhinavsingh/Dev/j-a-x-l/backend/custom-django-project/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/channels/staticfiles.py:44> wait_for=<Future pending cb=[_chain_future.<locals>._call_check_cancel() at /usr/local/Cellar/python@3.9/3.9.1_3/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.9/lib/python3.9/asyncio/futures.py:384, <TaskWakeupMethWrapper object at 0x109ae4310>()]>> for connection <WebRequest at 0x109afc1f0 method=GET uri=/social/complete/custom/?redirect_state=jOhFYuTp0tNh9rrVvhFgBPLrvil6NYJH&code=byrOuK00bIX5gFvUENGViBHs7Pi2Kw&state=jOhFYuTp0tNh9rrVvhFgBPLrvil6NYJH clientproto=HTTP/1.1> took too long to shut down and was killed.