jazzband / django-push-notifications

Send push notifications to mobile devices through GCM or APNS in Django.
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Problem with setting FIREBASE_APP after migrating to FCM v1 #703

Closed KaiValar closed 4 months ago

KaiValar commented 4 months ago

Hello folks! I followed the docs about migrating from legacy GCM/FCM to FCM v1 and, when i do the send test notification, it raises a error 500 and this in the log:

django.core.exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: Platform FCM, app App-Android does not support the setting: FIREBASE_APP.

Looks like the FIREBASE_APP setting is not supported, what's wrong here?

Thank you in advance!


Python 3.11 Django 4.1.11 Django-Push-Notifications: 3.0.2 Firebase-admin 6.4.0

PS: There's a syntax error in de FCM docs, in the part of

# Import the firebase service
from firebase_admin import auth

# Initialize the default app
default_app = firebase_admin.initialize_app()

you should import firebase admin for using it.

# Import the firebase service
import firebase_admin

# Initialize the default app
default_app = firebase_admin.initialize_app()
ceoy commented 4 months ago

3.0.2 is still the old version without "new" FCM v1 API.

Good catch with the doc, thank you :) i'll fix it on the weekend (together with https://github.com/jazzband/django-push-notifications/pull/702#discussion_r1489160018).

KaiValar commented 4 months ago

Oh, I have migrated ahead of time xD Thank you, waiting for new version then :)

kmasuhr commented 3 months ago

When is the next release scheduled?