jazzband / django-rest-knox

Authentication Module for django rest auth
MIT License
1.17k stars 213 forks source link

Implement Jazzband guidelines for django-rest-knox #304

Open jazzband-bot opened 1 year ago

jazzband-bot commented 1 year ago

This issue tracks the implementation of the Jazzband guidelines for the project django-rest-knox

It was initiated by @James1345 who was automatically assigned in addition to the Jazzband roadies.

See the TODO list below for the generally required tasks, but feel free to update it in case the project requires it.

Feel free to ping a Jazzband roadie if you have any question.


Project details

Description Authentication Module for django rest auth
Homepage None
Stargazers 957
Open issues 73
Forks 179
Default branch develop
Is a fork False
Has Wiki True
Has Pages True
giovannicimolin commented 1 year ago

@jezdez I want to help out with this package. Is it ok if I pick some tasks from the checklist above and contribute them?

@James1345 What is the usual development workflow you used for this repo? It seems to be:

  1. Fork.
  2. PR to develop.
  3. Create PRs to master when creating releases (?)

Feel free to correct me if I got anything wrong - I can write-up some documentation for this.

James1345 commented 1 year ago

@giovannicimolin That looks like what has been used before for contributions - doesn't have to be that way but if it ain't broke...

giovannicimolin commented 1 year ago

GitHub Actions CI is working as expected crossing that item from the checklist.

giovannicimolin commented 1 year ago

Checked off a few more items with https://github.com/jazzband/django-rest-knox/pull/307.

There's a CI check failing about a pre-commit something (this: https://results.pre-commit.ci/run/github/42185087/1692120765.Wa1XR2oaS2yoewVVaKONUw). Is that mandatory? Is there any documentation about setting it up I can use? I think I figured it out here: https://github.com/jazzband/django-rest-knox/pull/308

giovannicimolin commented 1 year ago

@James1345 I can't do the following steps because I'm not a maintainer/owner:

Not sure how to do those since I've never done it. I'll work on the other items in the checklist and then, hopefully, start reviewing/merging some PRs and creating new releases.

giovannicimolin commented 1 year ago

Pre-commit hooks and coverage/codecov implemented on #308.

giovannicimolin commented 1 year ago

Review project if other services are used and port them to Jazzband

Doesn't look like we're using any other external services. :)

Add jazzband-bot as maintainer to the Read the Docs project (e.g. URL: https://readthedocs.org/dashboard/django-rest-knox/users/) Add incoming GitHub webhook integration to Read the Docs project (e.g. URL: https://readthedocs.org/dashboard/django-rest-knox/integrations/)

This repository is using GitHub Pages to host its documentation, so I'll mark these items as done.

giovannicimolin commented 1 year ago

@James1345 Would you be comfortable with me triaging PRs, merging changes and creating new release versions? Btw, no problem if not! Just want to help out in bringing this package up-to-date again.

If so, I'll request to become a project maintainer through Jazzband help.

James1345 commented 1 year ago

Yep, I'm happy with the help - it got out of date because I don't have time to spend on that any more

giovannicimolin commented 1 year ago

@James1345 Could you give me maintainer permissions? Also a primer on how the pypi flow is working here and how to deploy new releases? I want to start triaging/reviewing changes and releasing new versions in the next few weeks.

Thanks in advance! :grin:

dekkers commented 10 months ago

@James1345 First of all thanks for creating django-rest-knox and maintaining it up to now. Other people want to help, but as far as I can see making new releases is still blocked because the jazzband account has not been added to the PyPI project yet. Can you finish the transfer to jazzband by adding the jazzband account to the PyPI project? If you don't want to do anything with django-rest-knox anymore it might also be a good idea to make jazzband or someone else owner on PyPI instead of just maintainer.

johnraz commented 7 months ago

@giovannicimolin we need to add a github action to generate the content of the documentation -> see https://github.com/jazzband/django-rest-knox/issues/323

@giovannicimolin I think it's important for the project to remain sane that @James1345 provides the access to the pypi registry.

We should otherwise envision to claim the name on pypi by following https://peps.python.org/pep-0541/#how-to-request-a-name-transfer.

We should start working on a release branch as well - but before we can do that we need to fix my own mistakes that I made here https://github.com/jazzband/django-rest-knox/issues/341 😇 -> I cleaned up my slate 😆

I started a PR to prepare for the release -> https://github.com/jazzband/django-rest-knox/pull/342

James1345 commented 7 months ago

Jazzband invited to pypi, let me know if any other progress is needed

giovannicimolin commented 7 months ago

@James1345 Thank you very much! :rocket:

@johnraz Can you accept the Jazzband Pypi invitation? I'll set up the CI jobs and work on the remaining items here too!

giovannicimolin commented 7 months ago

@johnraz I also want to clean up the branch situation by renaming the branches (this will help avoid confusion too).

Do you have permissions to rename the branch? If so I would like to rename the current develop to main, set it to the default and remove the other branches.

giovannicimolin commented 7 months ago

CI job to update GH-pages branch implemented here: https://github.com/jazzband/django-rest-knox/pull/343

johnraz commented 7 months ago

@giovannicimolin I don’t have access to any Jazz-band account, I’m not even part of the community there 😊

Regarding the branches, I kinda like the fact that we can merge from develop to master as it gives a clear view of what will be included in the release but I can also live with a single branch, nevertheless I don’t have access to those settings in the repo, only @James1345 does AFAIK ☺️

Happy to help with anything else!

James1345 commented 7 months ago

@giovannicimolin happy to move things around ifyou want to move to trunk dev - or to rename master->main if you want to stick with the git-flow style that's been used in the past but use the modern naming

I don't know who has control of the Jazzband accounts, @giovannicimolin I can add you as maintainer to the PyPi too if that makes things easier

giovannicimolin commented 7 months ago


happy to move things around if you want to move to trunk dev - or to rename master->main if you want to stick with the git-flow style that's been used in the past but use the modern naming

I think that simplifying things and keeping a single main branch will be easier to avoid confusion. Can you make the branch changes? I'll update the CONTRIBUTING and development docs once you do that.

I can add you as maintainer to the PyPi too if that makes things easier

Yes, if you can do that it'll be greatly appreciated! My Pypi username is: giovannicimolin. With that access I'll be able to set up a CI job that deploys when new tags are created in the repo, so we can start releasing changes again.

Thanks a lot for the help on this! :grin:

vasilistotskas commented 6 months ago

Any updates on this? is there any pending release incomming ?

johnraz commented 6 months ago

You can follow it here: https://github.com/jazzband/django-rest-knox/pull/342

giovannicimolin commented 5 months ago

@James1345 Friendly nudge on this. Can you add me as a maintainer here and Pypi?

Let me know if you have any reservations about this set up.

James1345 commented 5 months ago

@giovannicimolin I've invited you on PyPI

giovannicimolin commented 5 months ago

@James1345 Thank a lot! I think we can start releasing again now! :rocket:

giovannicimolin commented 4 months ago

Hey folks!

Good news here: our first Jazzband release of the project is out! https://pypi.org/project/django-rest-knox/5.0.0/

johnraz commented 4 months ago

Let’s go ! Thanks for all the effort to get the project back on track @giovannicimolin