jazzband / django-silk

Silky smooth profiling for Django
MIT License
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cProfile generates only one profile for parallel requests #153

Open Drache91 opened 7 years ago

Drache91 commented 7 years ago

When generating binary profiles with


and revcieving multiple requests at once, the generated profiles for all the requests are the same. It's allways the profile of the request that finished first.

So, as an example, I get 3 request in a very fast fashion (only about 10ms apart). Request 2 finishes first, then request 3 and request 1 finishes last. The profiles of these request will all be the profile of request 2.

This could be because the profiler within DataCollector is not saved in the threat local storage.

So I modified all lines with self.pythonprofiler to self.local.pythonprofiler and added self.local.pythonprofiler = None to _configure, so it looks like this:

    def _configure(self):
        self.local.objects = {}
        self.local.temp_identifier = 0
        self.local.pythonprofiler = None

And the other modified functions:

    def configure(self, request=None):
        silky_config = SilkyConfig()

        self.request = request

        if silky_config.SILKY_PYTHON_PROFILER:
            self.local.pythonprofiler = cProfile.Profile()

    def stop_python_profiler(self):
        if hasattr(self.local, 'pythonprofiler'):

    def finalise(self):
        if hasattr(self.local, 'pythonprofiler'):
            s = StringIO()
            ps = pstats.Stats(self.local.pythonprofiler, stream=s).sort_stats('cumulative')
            profile_text = s.getvalue()
           # ...

Below i copied the conent of the file /silk/views/collector.py where i fixed it, so the requests now generate their own profiles. Problem now is that snakeviz is not visualitzing the correct part of it. It seems like it's vizualizing from num_queries = len(self.silk_queries) in def _record_meta_profiling(self): The profile itself contains everything it should containg though.

from threading import local

import cProfile
import pstats
import logging

from django.utils.six import StringIO, with_metaclass

from silk import models
from silk.config import SilkyConfig
from silk.errors import SilkNotConfigured, SilkInternalInconsistency
from silk.models import _time_taken
from silk.singleton import Singleton

TYP_SILK_QUERIES = 'silk_queries'
TYP_PROFILES = 'profiles'
TYP_QUERIES = 'queries'

Logger = logging.getLogger('silk.collector')

def raise_middleware_error():
    raise RuntimeError(
        'Silk middleware has not been installed correctly. Ordering must ensure that Silk middleware can '
        'execute process_request and process_response. If an earlier middleware returns from either of '
        'these methods, Silk will not have the chance to inspect the request/response objects.')

class DataCollector(with_metaclass(Singleton, object)):
    Provides the ability to save all models at the end of the request. We cannot save during
    the request due to the possibility of atomic blocks and hence must collect data and perform
    the save at the end.

    def __init__(self):
        super(DataCollector, self).__init__()
        self.local = local()

    def ensure_middleware_installed(self):
        if not hasattr(self.local, 'temp_identifier'):

    def request(self):
        return getattr(self.local, 'request', None)

    def get_identifier(self):
        self.local.temp_identifier += 1
        return self.local.temp_identifier

    def request(self, value):
        self.local.request = value

    def _configure(self):
        self.local.objects = {}
        self.local.temp_identifier = 0
        self.local.pythonprofiler = None

    def objects(self):
        return getattr(self.local, 'objects', None)

    def queries(self):
        return self._get_objects(TYP_QUERIES)

    def silk_queries(self):
        return self._get_objects(TYP_SILK_QUERIES)

    def _get_objects(self, typ):
        objects = self.objects
        if objects is None:
            self._raise_not_configured('Attempt to access %s without initialisation.' % typ)
        if not typ in objects:
            objects[typ] = {}
        return objects[typ]

    def profiles(self):
        return self._get_objects(TYP_PROFILES)

    def silk_queries(self):
        return self._get_objects('silk_queries')

    def configure(self, request=None):
        silky_config = SilkyConfig()

        self.request = request

        if silky_config.SILKY_PYTHON_PROFILER:
            self.local.pythonprofiler = cProfile.Profile()

    def clear(self):
        self.request = None

    def _raise_not_configured(self, err):
        raise SilkNotConfigured(err + ' Is the middleware installed correctly?')

    def register_objects(self, typ, *args):
        for arg in args:
            ident = self.get_identifier()
            objects = self.objects
            if objects is None:
                # This can happen if the SilkyMiddleware.process_request is not called for whatever reason.
                # Perhaps if another piece of middleware is not playing ball.
                self._raise_not_configured('Attempt to register object of type %s without initialisation. ')
            if not typ in objects:
                self.objects[typ] = {}
            self.objects[typ][ident] = arg

    def register_query(self, *args):
        self.register_objects(TYP_QUERIES, *args)

    def register_profile(self, *args):
        self.register_objects(TYP_PROFILES, *args)

    def _record_meta_profiling(self):
        if SilkyConfig().SILKY_META:
            num_queries = len(self.silk_queries)
            query_time = sum(_time_taken(x['start_time'], x['end_time']) for _, x in self.silk_queries.items())
            self.request.meta_num_queries = num_queries
            self.request.meta_time_spent_queries = query_time

    def stop_python_profiler(self):
        if hasattr(self.local, 'pythonprofiler'):

    def finalise(self):
        if hasattr(self.local, 'pythonprofiler'):
            s = StringIO()
            ps = pstats.Stats(self.local.pythonprofiler, stream=s).sort_stats('cumulative')
            profile_text = s.getvalue()
            profile_text = "\n".join(
                profile_text.split("\n")[0:256])  # don't record too much because it can overflow the field storage size
            self.request.pyprofile = profile_text

            if SilkyConfig().SILKY_PYTHON_PROFILER_BINARY:
                file_name = self.request.prof_file.storage.get_available_name("{}.prof".format(str(self.request.id)))
                with open(self.request.prof_file.storage.path(file_name), 'w+b') as f:
                self.request.prof_file = f.name

        for _, query in self.queries.items():
            query_model = models.SQLQuery.objects.create(**query)
            query['model'] = query_model
        for _, profile in self.profiles.items():
            profile_query_models = []
            if TYP_QUERIES in profile:
                profile_queries = profile[TYP_QUERIES]
                del profile[TYP_QUERIES]
                for query_temp_id in profile_queries:
                        query = self.queries[query_temp_id]
                        except KeyError:
                            raise SilkInternalInconsistency('Profile references a query dictionary that has not '
                                                            'been converted into a Django model. This should '
                                                            'never happen, please file a bug report')
                    except KeyError:
                        raise SilkInternalInconsistency('Profile references a query temp_id that does not exist. '
                                                        'This should never happen, please file a bug report')
            profile = models.Profile.objects.create(**profile)
            if profile_query_models:
                profile.queries = profile_query_models

    def register_silk_query(self, *args):
        self.register_objects(TYP_SILK_QUERIES, *args)

Everything was tested and modified in commit a062fa723cf37d7d102a7d393d52507971d9657f Testing machine runs Windows 10.

avelis commented 7 years ago

@Drache91 If you have a solution that fixes this issue. Make a pull request and I can merge it in.

In regards to your snakeviz queries question, check your SILKY_META setting. It might be set to true.

Drache91 commented 7 years ago

Ok, I made a pull request.

Also, the problem with snakeviz remains even with SILKY_META set to False. But I guess that's a problem with snakeviz. KCacheGrind (or QCacheGrind for my system) shows the correct data.

avelis commented 7 years ago

@Drache91 Glad there are alternatives for visualizing the profiler besides snakeviz. Will keep an internal note about them.