jazzband / djangorestframework-simplejwt

A JSON Web Token authentication plugin for the Django REST Framework.
MIT License
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Incorrect type hints for several classes/methods #787

Open mlazar-endear opened 2 months ago

mlazar-endear commented 2 months ago


I just updated my version to djangorestframework-simplejwt==5.3.1 and I'm running into several mypy errors that were introduced with the recent typehints PR here: https://github.com/jazzband/djangorestframework-simplejwt/pull/683

I've looked into it, and there are several incorrect types in this library. Many of them have are arguments/return values which are annotated as Token, but in reality should be str or bytes. Some of them are easy to spot (and should have been caught by mypy when adding the types in the first place). Some of them are more difficult because of the dynamic nature of the library (e.g. AUTH_TOKEN_CLASSES), but they raise errors when you start writing subclasses for the tokens and backends.

For example, this line passes a Token object into the underlying jwt library, which is incorrect (should be str or bytes).


Same thing here, passes a Token object but it should be str or bytes.


Here, the raw_token is correctly annotated, but then it's being passed into an AuthToken initializer which is expecting the argument to be Token.


This initializer is wrong (Why would the token class be initialized with an instance of itself?)


Unfortunately, I think fixing these type hints will require significant effort to go through and untangle everything.

mlazar-endear commented 2 months ago

For anyone else who runs into this, you can configure mypy to ignore the all of the typehints provided by this library.

Here's what I added in my pyproject.toml file:

# https://github.com/jazzband/djangorestframework-simplejwt/issues/787
module = "rest_framework_simplejwt.*"
follow_imports = "skip"
Andrew-Chen-Wang commented 1 month ago

@mlazar-endear do you have django-stubs enabled? I believe that's a requirement for type checking simplejwt

mlazar-endear commented 1 month ago

@Andrew-Chen-Wang Yes I do, but I don't see any reason why that would matter.


Andrew-Chen-Wang commented 1 month ago

just for diagnosing. yes i see the issues too thanks!