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Proposal: django-braces #173

Open kennethlove opened 4 years ago

kennethlove commented 4 years ago

Hey all!

The other creator of django-braces and myself no longer have time or inclination to support the project. It doesn't require much upkeep, mostly some minor issue triage and minor updates when a new version of Django is released. We'd love to transfer it to jazzband so it can get more love and attention.

aleksihakli commented 4 years ago

Hey! First off, django-braces is a nice project, thanks for all the work you've put into it.

Just as a discussion opener: Someone needs to maintain the project and be able to make new releases for it. That requires, at the very least, merging incoming PRs, updating the changelog to reflect their content, making new tags, and releasing them to PyPI. Otherwise the project does not have a viable maintenance model, and the status won't be any better under the Jazzband than otherwise.

Each Jazzband project ideally has a dedicated maintainer who can nurse the projects and make new releases for them.

Do you have the time for maintaining it for new releases, or do you have a maintainer in mind who'd like to help with that?

jezdez commented 4 years ago

For the record, @kennethlove is looking for the project lead here: https://twitter.com/kennethlove/status/1193683939602223104 and I think it was mentioned in the podcast (!) https://djangochat.com/episodes/kenneth-love

aleksihakli commented 4 years ago

@kennethlove I can help with the maintenance and releases of braces. I already maintain a bunch of proprietary Django projects as well as few Jazzband Python libraries and Django plugins like django-axes. I am fairly well versed in Django along with the templating system and security design after 5+ years of active use :) You can find more info through my GitHub profile and contributions timeline if needed.

atugushev commented 4 years ago

I'll be also happy to help with transferring and implementing Jazzband guidelines 👍

kennethlove commented 4 years ago

Hey all!

I've been working on a new release of django-braces which will hopefully go out today/tomorrow. I'd still like to move the project over to Jazzband but I imagine that I'll still be the core maintainer (releaser, at least) for the time being (that seems the easiest solution). I'd love your help, though, @aleksihakli and @atugushev. What can I do to make it easier for you to jump in?

aleksihakli commented 4 years ago

@kennethlove we can automate the release process via the Jazzband site to PyPI which would make releases only require manual approval.

For example, django-axes has the following release pipeline

GitHub -> Travis -> Jazzband -> PyPI

Only the Jazzband -> PyPI step would be manual here and require a simple push of a button.

After this and suitable automation with e.g. tox, unittest with coverage, prospector, and mypy appropriate quality assurance and quality gates would make maintenance easy enough.