jazzdotdev / contentdb

The Jazz Database which Stores Documents in Files and Supports Version Control and Sharing
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use data geometry for transparent viewstore lay-up #19

Open naturallymitchell opened 5 years ago

naturallymitchell commented 5 years ago


shapes and symmetries of groups

http://www.coloring-book.co/ https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=15326480 https://hn.algolia.com/?query=group%20theory&sort=byPopularity&prefix&page=0&dateRange=all&type=story

file systems


naturallymitchell commented 5 years ago

algorithimic data parameters integrated, cross-level rules (where else would this logic come from than anywhere else) panological integration


naturallymitchell commented 5 years ago

a library built on/of all content, code, config

naturallymitchell commented 5 years ago
