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xz, tar, and zip archive bindings improvements #257

Open naturallymitchell opened 5 years ago

naturallymitchell commented 5 years ago
dariusc93 commented 5 years ago

May also be best to implement the same thing for zip and tar.

dariusc93 commented 5 years ago

Do you want to just compress files or data as well?

naturallymitchell commented 5 years ago

I'd only thought about files with the same use case as cli tar.

Do you mean something like comboing fs.read/write with xz.to_string/from_string for streams? If so, that'd seem like a way to build handlers, eg web server/client, without hardcoding those mechanics, which'd be cool.

naturallymitchell commented 5 years ago

But, afair gz and brotli are better for stream compression. lzma is definitely a file thing, afaict