jazzhistorydatabase / jhdb-cms

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Move YouTube player to lightbox in page template #107

Closed matticoli closed 4 years ago

matticoli commented 4 years ago

This will prevent iframe loading from slowing down page load times on slower internet connections

drnek commented 4 years ago

This will improve page load speed, user engagement and SEO (due to page load speed)

drnek commented 4 years ago

We need to load the YouTube preview image (selectable on YouTube site) and have a large centered play button overlay shown over static preview image

matticoli commented 4 years ago

If we wanted to further optimize, we could have preview image with play button generated on publish, so all images are loaded on the same place, but this would only matter once #94 is addressed

drnek commented 4 years ago

yes it could be generated when the file is linked and saved, so the preview works

matticoli commented 4 years ago

Videos are currently not linked as files, we do some string processing on the url to make sure it is in the correct format and generate an embed code

drnek commented 4 years ago

it's fine if videos are not linked as files, but the YouTube API allows us to get the thumbnail from them. https://developers.google.com/youtube/v3/docs/thumbnails

matticoli commented 4 years ago

Right, I meant there isn't really a "link" step for videos like there is for images and audio files

drnek commented 4 years ago

Let’s make the play button 150px on desktop and at least 100px on mobile. Ideally anywhere on the video for preview will open the video, not just the play button

drnek commented 4 years ago

looks great, I would make the play button bright blue and 2X as large (overlay button)