jazzto / 2018

2018 Jazz Festival
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text artifacts from 2016 on mobile #10

Closed brianblain closed 6 years ago

brianblain commented 6 years ago

Under "Festival" (on mobile only) there's a blurb about 2016 festival.

Also, there have been complaints from customers who were searching for certain artists and coming up with a jazz festival play (except it was for a previous year - not always indicated)

I don't think there's anything we can do about that space junk is there?

andrewfn commented 6 years ago

I'm trying to reproduce the blurb about 2016 festival on mobile under festival, but I can't see it. Is it under a sub menu? Are you referring to the "artist submissions" ?

Regarding the artists, if you can give me an example, then I will try and track it down. We have a bot that goes around cleaning up old stuff, and I could check if it has missed something.

andrewfn commented 6 years ago

Brian wrote: The link that has 2016 dates is http://m.torontojazz.com/festival

Yes, you are right. And it is on the main site as well: http://torontojazz.com/festival I guess nobody has updated it for this year.

andrewfn commented 6 years ago

Looks good now. I think people can get to it if they click very quickly on the festival menu before the rest of the items have had time to load up.