jb3rndt / PersistentBottomNavBarV2

A highly customizable persistent bottom navigation bar for Flutter
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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showing Bottom Modal Sheet with out bottom nav bar #116

Closed Abdurahmon9679 closed 10 months ago

Abdurahmon9679 commented 10 months ago

so in my screens has buttons for showing bottom modal sheet I need showing this modal sheets with out bottom navigation bars how to make this can you help me for this

  controller: _controller,
  screens: _buildScreens(),
  items: _navBarsItems(),
  confineInSafeArea: true,
  backgroundColor: AppColor.white.withOpacity(1),
  handleAndroidBackButtonPress: true,
  // Default is true.
  resizeToAvoidBottomInset: false,
  // This needs to be true if you want to move up the screen when keyboard appears. Default is true.
  stateManagement: true,
  // Default is true.
  hideNavigationBarWhenKeyboardShows: false,
  // Recommended to set 'resizeToAvoidBottomInset' as true while using this argument. Default is true.
  decoration: const NavBarDecoration(
    border: Border(
      top: BorderSide(color: AppColor.greyBottomIcons, width: 0.33),
  onItemSelected: (int index) {
    AppEventBus().eventBus.fire(SwitchBottomNavbar(index: index));
  popAllScreensOnTapOfSelectedTab: true,
  popActionScreens: PopActionScreensType.all,
  itemAnimationProperties: const ItemAnimationProperties(
    // Navigation Bar's items animation properties.
    duration: Duration(milliseconds: 200),
    curve: Curves.ease,
  screenTransitionAnimation: const ScreenTransitionAnimation(
    // Screen transition animation on change of selected tab.
    animateTabTransition: true,
    curve: Curves.ease,
    duration: Duration(milliseconds: 200),
  navBarStyle: NavBarStyle
      .simple, // Choose the nav bar style with this property.

List<Widget> _buildScreens() {
  return [
      isFirstEvent: widget.isFirstEvent,

    // const EventDetailsScreen(),

    const VendorsScreen(),

    /// settings
    const SettingsScreen()
jb3rndt commented 10 months ago


you can show a modal bottom sheet without the navbar by setting useRootNavigator: true. Settings that to false will show the modal bottom sheet with the navbar.

Here is an example:

  context: context,
  backgroundColor: Colors.white,
  useRootNavigator: true,
  builder: (context) => Center(
    child: ElevatedButton(
      onPressed: () {
      child: const Text(
        style: TextStyle(color: Colors.white),