jbae11 / 2016-bae-borehole-ihlrwm

"Benefits of Siting a Borehole Repository at a Non-operating Nuclear Facility" Paper Collaboration
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Repository Cleanup #13

Closed katyhuff closed 8 years ago

katyhuff commented 8 years ago

This may seem pedantic, but I noticed some uncommon practices in your repository and I wanted to address them.

It is common practice to avoid committing anything except for source files. In the case of latex, that includes bib, tex, sty, and cls files, along with a few others. It doesn't include aux, ist, bbl, blg, acn, glo, or pdf files. Those latter types of files are derivatives of the source files. If you version control them, you're not hurting anything. However, it will cause "merge conflicts" that are annoying to deal with and unnecessary.

So, to avoid this, we typically never execute the command: git add *. The appropriate way to add new files is one at a time. And, then, when you're ready to commit, execute git commit -am "my commit message for committing all new changes to any tracked files." To avoid accidentally committing unintened derivative files, we often add a .gitignore file to the repository, which will help git to ignore any files it definitely shouldn't be tracking. A common gitignore file for latex repositories is here:https://github.com/github/gitignore/blob/master/TeX.gitignore .

I have made a pull request which should fix both of these issues. (adds more to the gitignore file and stops tracking files which shouldn't be tracked).

However, there is one remaining cleanup issue. What is the temp folder for? With git, you should never need such a thing. Let's talk about best practices to avoid that kind of thing in these repositories.

katyhuff commented 8 years ago

14 fixed all but temp directory issue: PR #17 addresses that.