jbaicoianu / threecap

Three.js frame capture system
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pass.setSize is not a function #4

Closed Eketol closed 1 year ago

Eketol commented 1 year ago

Hi, I'm trying this library for the first time. When creating an instance of THREEcap as follows:

`const threecap = new THREEcap({ composer: this.composer });`

I get the following error:

"pass.setSize is not a function"

It seems the composer is complaining of 'THREEcapRenderPass' not having a 'setSize' method.

I'm using ThreeJS r126. Maybe it is too old already?

Thanks for this nice library, looks very promising!

Eketol commented 1 year ago

Sorry, I didn't see it was already fixed in #2. I was using npm to get the files and it seems that version is outdated.