Open lburgazzoli opened 3 years ago
When running without dev mode, I get the expected behavior
This is most likely a quarkus bug not jbang.
Did it work in previous quarkus or jbang versions ?
I've create a project with:
mvn io.quarkus:quarkus-maven-plugin:1.13.3.Final:create \
-DprojectGroupId=org.acme \
-DprojectArtifactId=getting-started \
Amended the generated code to include the camel route and the
file to use the same properties:
quarkus.log.console.format=%d{HH:mm:ss} %-5p [%c{2.}] (%t) %s%e%n
And it seems to work as expected:
➜ mvn quarkus:dev
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] ----------------------< org.acme:getting-started >----------------------
[INFO] Building getting-started 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]---------------------------------
[INFO] --- quarkus-maven-plugin:1.13.3.Final:dev (default-cli) @ getting-started ---
[INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
[INFO] Copying 2 resources
[INFO] Nothing to compile - all classes are up to date
Listening for transport dt_socket at address: 5005
06:18:17 INFO [] (Quarkus Main Thread) bootstrap runtime: org.apache.camel.quarkus.main.CamelMainRuntime
06:18:17 INFO [] (Quarkus Main Thread) Routes startup summary (total:1 started:1)
06:18:17 INFO [] (Quarkus Main Thread) Started route1 (timer://tick)
06:18:17 INFO [] (Quarkus Main Thread) Apache Camel 3.9.0 (camel-1) started in 41ms (build:0ms init:32ms start:9ms)
yes, but when you do it that way you aren't triggering quarkus parsing of Q:CONFIG :)
i'll give it a go - still think the issue is on quarkus jbang integration side but let me verify.
I've create a script with:
With the following code:
When I execute the script with quarkus dev mode enabled:
The output is:
Which does not match my setup as the banner should be suppressed and the log format is not the configured one.
Verbose output: