jbardelli / Petrographic-Image-Segmentation

Project aimed to segment petrographic images taken from rock samples thin sections, in order to classify rock types.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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About training the my own datasets #1

Open xfby2016 opened 2 years ago

xfby2016 commented 2 years ago

Excellent work! I tried to train my own dataset (rock slice) with only two classes: background and target ,But the segmentation result of the test is very unsatisfactory,What might be the reason for this?

jbardelli commented 2 years ago

This proyect is a work in progress, so I'm still learning. From my short experience, the segmentation of minerals is a very difficult task compared with segmenting cars, bikes, etc. What is your backgound, other minerals or porosity? Without knowing your project is difficult to say, but consider the following: 1) It needs to be a difference between background and target. The more alike they are the more samples you need to feed your model in order to learn those small differences. 2) If there is some preprocessing you can apply to magnify differences it might help. 3) Generating masks for segmentation of thin sections is a painful task, but try to mark all the appearances of your target in order to enhance detection. 4) Sometimes if you have enough memory, increasing the batch size could help.

If you want to share more of your project, I might be able to give some more help. Regards, Julian

xfby2016 commented 2 years ago

image This is my training sample,Single and orthogonal polarizing images were available for each sample .I need to split each stone particle precisely ,Sadly, I only have 20 samples! Thank you!

lj-cug commented 3 months ago

Any Progress? Could you share your experience at using the segmentation tool of mineral?