jbclements / RSound

A cross-platform sound library for DrRacket
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Build issue on HEAD #30

Closed SuzanneSoy closed 7 years ago

SuzanneSoy commented 7 years ago

With the latest nightly (minimal racket, with all "base" packages updated yesterday), I had the following error:

> racket                                                                                                                                                                                             phc  ~/phc/racket-packages/phc-thesis
Welcome to Racket v6.8.0.2.
> (require rsound)
; /home/georges/.racket/snapshot/pkgs/rsound/rsound/util.rkt:19:9: module:
;   identifier already imported from: "common.rkt"
;   at: positive-integer?
;   in: math/base
; [,bt for context]

I changed the math/base on line 19 in util.rkt to the following, and it seems to work fine:

         (subtract-in math/base "common.rkt")

It might be an issue with stale bytecode files on my machine, though, so it's probably best to check that you can reproduce the issue before looking into this.

SuzanneSoy commented 7 years ago

I also had to change the require for racket/gui in draw.rkt to the following:

         (subtract-in racket/gui "common.rkt")
jbclements commented 7 years ago

yes, this has been on my radar for a week or two. I could maybe just change that to an only-in to trim the refs.

benoid commented 7 years ago

Do you know why this is suddenly happening? I can not replicate the error in racket 6.7, and I am not sure I fully comprehend the underlying cause of the problem.

jbclements commented 7 years ago

Yes, this is a super-minor issue. The problem is that rsound defines a function called positive-integer?, and the math library now provides a function with that name, causing a conflict. It should be a very minor fix. I've been meaning to push out the 44.1/48K pref-switch version as well. Let me see if I can do both of these today.

benoid commented 7 years ago

Oh alright, thanks!

jbclements commented 7 years ago

this bug closed (back in march) by 206c18ffae8e086875ad, thanks for the report!