jbdemonte / mongoose-elasticsearch-xp

A mongoose plugin that indexes models into Elasticsearch 2 / 5 / 6 and 7
93 stars 34 forks source link

Awesome work! #10

Closed nodkz closed 7 years ago

nodkz commented 7 years ago

I like what you've done. Awesome work!

Try to integrate it with my internal project and write new plugin for graphql-compose: graphql-compose-mongoose-elasticsearch-xp.

Did you plan to drastically change API in the near future? Or it's quite stable for now?

jbdemonte commented 7 years ago

Nop, I just updated to support Elasticsearch 5, no plan for any change right now :)

nodkz commented 7 years ago

Will you accept PRs for:

  1. adding yarn.lock
  2. changing jshint on eslint
  3. adding prettier (which change a little bit your code style)
  4. migration from mocha to jest for better test runs
nodkz commented 7 years ago

Also will be nice to setup semantic releasing with automatic package publishing https://egghead.io/lessons/javascript-how-to-write-a-javascript-library-writing-conventional-commits-with-commitizen

jbdemonte commented 7 years ago

I'm open to discover practice I've not yet