jbeder / yaml-cpp

A YAML parser and emitter in C++
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Correct usage of YAML::convert on restricted maps. #871

Open adrianbroher opened 4 years ago

adrianbroher commented 4 years ago

Hello, I'm currently testing out this library for usage in another project and I'm wondering if the current implementation matches the intended usage of YAML::convert. I think my current usage is more verbose than it needs to be (intentionally leaving out some code here):


    - surface: planets/Swamp01.png
      shininess: 0.0
        - # left out for brevity
    # sequence of planet data objects


    struct PlanetData {
        struct Atmosphere; // definition left out for brevity.

        std::string filename;
        float shininess;
        std::vector<Atmosphere> atmospheres;

Loading code

            YAML::Node doc;
            try {
                boost::filesystem::ifstream ifs(ClientUI::ArtDir() / "planets" / "planets.yml");
                doc = YAML::Load(ifs);
                data = doc["planets"].as<std::map<PlanetType, std::vector<PlanetData>>>();

            catch(YAML::TypedBadConversion<std::map<PlanetType, std::vector<PlanetData>>>& e) {
                // ... error message "line:column: expecting a map of planet types to sequence of planet data objects"
            catch(YAML::TypedBadConversion<std::vector<PlanetData>>& e) {
                // ... error message "line:column: expecting a sequence of planet data objects"
            catch(YAML::TypedBadConversion<PlanetData>& e) {
                // ... error message "line:column: expecting a planet data object"
            // ... more YAML::TypedBadConversion<PlanetType> catch blocks
            // ... more YAML::TypedBadConversion<PlanetData::Atmosphere> catch blocks
            catch(YAML::Exception& e) {
                std::cerr << e.mark.line << ":" << e.mark.column << ": " << e.what();

Custom type converter

namespace YAML {
    template <>
    struct convert<PlanetData> {
        static bool decode(const Node& node, PlanetData& rhs);

    bool convert<PlanetData>::decode(const Node& node, PlanetData& rhs) {
        if (!node.IsMap())
            return false;

        if (!node["surface"])
            throw YAML::KeyNotFound(node.Mark(), std::string{"surface"});

        if (!node["shininess"])
            throw YAML::KeyNotFound(node.Mark(), std::string{"shininess"});

        if (3 == node.size() && !node["atmospheres"])
            throw YAML::KeyNotFound(node.Mark(), std::string{"atmospheres"});

        if (3 < node.size())
            throw YAML::RepresentationException(node.Mark(), "unexpected attributes in planet object aside from: [surface, shininess, atmospheres]");

        rhs = {
            std::max(0.0f, std::min(node["shininess"].as<float>(), 128.0f)),

        return true;

    // leaving out convert<PlanetType> and convert<PlanetData::Atmosphere>

For now I have several problems with this code and I'm not sure if those stem from improper use or are bugs:

jbeder commented 4 years ago

There are some usability issues with error handling that you've run into.

  1. The YAML::InvalidNode should probably have the node.Mark() properly set; I don't remember what YAML::KeyNotFound was.
  2. The what() should have more information, right? What kind of more information are you looking for that you wouldn't need a TypedBadConversion<T> for instead?
  3. This sounds like a bug.
  4. This sounds like a bug.
adrianbroher commented 4 years ago
  1. The YAML::InvalidNode should probably have the node.Mark() properly set; I don't remember what YAML::KeyNotFound was.

The KeyNotFound and TypedKeyNotFound are defined in yaml-cpp/exceptions.h but are not instantiated anywhere directly or via MakeTypedKeyNotFound function.

  1. The what() should have more information, right? What kind of more information are you looking for that you wouldn't need a TypedBadConversion<T> for instead?

Ideally I would expect a what() message similar to Expected a TypeName when the decode<TypeName> raises an exception or returns false, which in turn emits a TypedBadConversion<TypeName>. I also believe those exception should be written for immediate human consumption (log files, error messages) without insight into the emitting source code, so convert struct maybe should have a dedicated type_name string literal which contains the pretty name of the converted type.

Given the previous code:

    template <>
    struct convert<PlanetData> {
        static bool decode(const Node& node, PlanetData& rhs);

        static char const* type_name = "Planet model";

The emitted what message for convert<PlanetData>decode returning false should look like:

Expected a Planet model

When the decode function emits an exception (here for a missing key called surface) I would suggest the following message:

Failed to decode Planet model: missing key "surface".