jbehley / SuMa

Surfel-based Mapping for 3d Laser Range Data (SuMa)
MIT License
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OpenGL Error: out of memory(1285) #1

Closed szm88 closed 5 years ago

szm88 commented 5 years ago

when i run visualizer, i got error: Extracting surfel maps partially. OpenGL Error: out of memory(1285) In: /home/***/catkin_ws/src/SuMa/src/core/SurfelMap.cpp on Line: 298 terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error' what(): OpenGL error detected. Aborted (core dumped)

jbehley commented 5 years ago

It seems like that your GPU has unfortunately not enough memory available. I would recommend to have something like at least 2 GB dedicated memory for running the program. (On my notebook with a Geforce 860m and 2 GB of dedicated memory, it works fine. At some point it ran also with the integrated Intel GPU, but I didn't test this recently.)

You can try to reduce the needed memory by adjusting in the file config/default.xml the history size, i.e.,

   <param name="history size" type="integer">10</param>

this will reduce the number of scans used to show the history.

Furthermore, you can reduce the needed memory by adjusting the variable maxNumSurfels_ in the SurfelMap.h, but might then lose some surfels on the way.

These are the main points to reduce the amount of needed memory. However, we never had memory consumption as a main direction of optimization. There are certainly some textures in some other parts, which are not used at all and therefore could be deleted.

As always, this is research code and therefore at some points not really optimized.