Closed Vishal-Gaikwad closed 6 months ago
I have the same problem, has your problem been solved?
I also have this problem right now.
Here is my setup:
The error message in VSCode:
'The diagnostic code undefined was neither a number nor string!' while validating: c:\Users\[<user_home>]\[<path_to_source>]\test.c. Please analyze the 'C/C++ FlyLint' Output console. Stacktrace: TypeError: The diagnostic code undefined was neither a number nor string!
at Object.from (c:\Users\[<user_home>]\.vscode\extensions\jbenden.c-cpp-flylint-1.13.1\server\out\server.js:2:26215)
at c.getSeverityCode (c:\Users\[<user_home>]\.vscode\extensions\jbenden.c-cpp-flylint-1.13.1\server\out\server.js:2:16359)
at c.parseLine (c:\Users\[<user_home>]\.vscode\extensions\jbenden.c-cpp-flylint-1.13.1\server\out\server.js:2:15627)
at c:\Users\[<user_home>]\.vscode\extensions\jbenden.c-cpp-flylint-1.13.1\server\out\server.js:2:12574
at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
at c.parseLines (c:\Users\[<user_home>]\.vscode\extensions\jbenden.c-cpp-flylint-1.13.1\server\out\server.js:2:12438)
at c.lint (c:\Users\[<user_home>]\.vscode\extensions\jbenden.c-cpp-flylint-1.13.1\server\out\server.js:2:12341)
at c:\Users\[<user_home>]\.vscode\extensions\jbenden.c-cpp-flylint-1.13.1\server\out\server.js:2:21825
at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
at B (c:\Users\[<user_home>]\.vscode\extensions\jbenden.c-cpp-flylint-1.13.1\server\out\server.js:2:21800)
And the output of the debug window:
c:\Users\[<user_home>]\[<path_to_source>]\test.c is currently version number 34 and 28 was already been scanned.
c:\Users\[<user_home>]\[<path_to_source>]\test.c force = false.
c:\Users\[<user_home>]\[<path_to_source>]\test.c is now at version number 34.
Performing lint scan of c:\Users\[<user_home>]\[<path_to_source>]\test.c...
executing: C:\opt\pclp-1.4.1\bin\pclp64.EXE c:\Users\[<user_home>]\[<path_to_cfg>]\.pclint.lnt -v -b -format=%f %l %c %t %n: %m -h1 -width(0,0) -zero(400) c:/Users/[<user_home>]/[<path_to_source>]/test.c
"c:\\Users\\[<user_home>]\\[<path_to_source>]\\test.c 8 11 info 838: previous value assigned to 'retVal' not used",
'c:\\Users\\[<user_home>]\\[<path_to_source>]\\test.c 7 8 supplemental 891: previous assignment is here',
"c:\\Users\\[<user_home>]\\[<path_to_source>]\\test.c 3 4 info 714: external symbol 'test' was defined but not referenced",
"c:\\Users\\[<user_home>]\\[<path_to_source>]\\test.c 3 4 info 765: external symbol 'test' could be made static",
[ '' ]
Completed lint scans...
c:\Users\[<user_home>]\[<path_to_source>]\test.c is currently version number 34 and 34 was already been scanned.
Skipping scan of c:\Users\[<user_home>]\[<path_to_source>]\test.c because this file version number 34 has already been scanned.
This is my configuration of FlyLint in VSCode settings:
"c-cpp-flylint.clang.enable": false,
"c-cpp-flylint.cppcheck.enable": false,
"c-cpp-flylint.flexelint.enable": false,
"c-cpp-flylint.lizard.enable": false,
"c-cpp-flylint.flawfinder.enable": false,
"c-cpp-flylint.pclintplus.enable": true,
"c-cpp-flylint.pclintplus.executable": "pclp64",
"c-cpp-flylint.debug": true,
"c-cpp-flylint.language": "c",
"c-cpp-flylint.standard": [
"c-cpp-flylint.includePaths": [
"c-cpp-flylint.defines": [
"": "onType"
Can someone give me a hint, how this issue can be solved?
My problem has been solved and I submitted a PR, but the latest version hasn't been released yet and I'm not sure ours is the same problem. Here is the link where I submitted the PR:
Be sure there are no spaces in filenames; as that will cause problems. Shy of that, I do not have a license for the software to run testing with. Therefore, someone with one will need to triage this bug report.
jbenden.c-cpp-flylint v1.14.0
int main() {
float a = 1;
while (true) { }
Performing lint scan of <myproject_dir>\source\startup\main.cpp...
executing: <pclint_dir>\windows\pclp64_debug.exe <myproject_dir>/source/project.lnt -v -b -format=%f %l %c %t %n: %m -h1 -width(0,0) -zero(400) <myproject_dir>/source/startup/main.cpp
"<myproject_dir>\\source\\startup\\main.cpp 2 4 note 970: use of modifier or type 'float' outside of a typedef",
'<myproject_dir>\\source\\startup\\main.cpp 4 1 info 783: line does not end with a newline',
"<myproject_dir>\\source\\startup\\main.cpp 4 0 warning 438: last value assigned to 'a' not used",
'<myproject_dir>\\source\\startup\\main.cpp 2 10 supplemental 891: previous assignment is here',
"<myproject_dir>\\source\\startup\\main.cpp 2 14 note 915: implicit arithmetic conversion (initialization) from 'int' to 'float'",
'<myproject_dir>\\source\\startup\\main.cpp 2 14 note 9115: implicit conversion from integer to floating point type',
'<myproject_dir>\\source\\startup\\main.cpp 3 11 info 716: infinite loop via while',
"<myproject_dir>\\source\\startup\\main.cpp 2 10 warning 529: local variable 'a' declared in 'main' not subsequently referenced",
' 0 0 note 900: execution completed producing 7 primary and 1 supplemental messages (8 total) after processing 1 module',
[ '' ]
Completed lint scans...
'The diagnostic code undefined was neither a number nor string!' while validating: <myproject_dir>\source\startup\main.cpp. Please analyze the 'C/C++ FlyLint' Output console. Stacktrace: TypeError: The diagnostic code undefined was neither a number nor string!
at Object.from (<vscode_dir>\ext\jbenden.c-cpp-flylint-1.14.0\server\out\server.js:2:26287)
at c.getSeverityCode (<vscode_dir>\ext\jbenden.c-cpp-flylint-1.14.0\server\out\server.js:2:16431)
at c.parseLine (<vscode_dir>\ext\jbenden.c-cpp-flylint-1.14.0\server\out\server.js:2:15699)
at <vscode_dir>\ext\jbenden.c-cpp-flylint-1.14.0\server\out\server.js:2:12591
at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
at c.parseLines (<vscode_dir>\ext\jbenden.c-cpp-flylint-1.14.0\server\out\server.js:2:12455)
at c.lint (<vscode_dir>\ext\jbenden.c-cpp-flylint-1.14.0\server\out\server.js:2:12358)
at <vscode_dir>\ext\jbenden.c-cpp-flylint-1.14.0\server\out\server.js:2:21897
at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
at B (<vscode_dir>\ext\jbenden.c-cpp-flylint-1.14.0\server\out\server.js:2:21872)
Problem's tab is empty.
int main() {
while (true) { }
Performing lint scan of <myproject_dir>\source\startup\main.cpp...
executing: <pclint_dir>\windows\pclp64_debug.exe <myproject_dir>/source/project.lnt -v -b -format=%f %l %c %t %n: %m -h1 -width(0,0) -zero(400) <myproject_dir>/source/startup/main.cpp
'<myproject_dir>\\source\\startup\\main.cpp 3 1 info 783: line does not end with a newline',
'<myproject_dir>\\source\\startup\\main.cpp 2 11 info 716: infinite loop via while',
' 0 0 note 900: execution completed producing 2 primary and 0 supplemental messages (2 total) after processing 1 module',
[ '' ]
Completed lint scans...
No tooltip.
Problem's tab filled with 2 strings:
infinite loop via while PclintPlus (c-cpp-flylint)(716) [Ln 2, Col 5]
line does not end with a newline PclintPlus (c-cpp-flylint)(783) [Ln 3, Col 1]
Its failed on getSeverityCode()
with supplemental
private getSeverityCode(severity: string): DiagnosticSeverity {
console.log("this.settings: ");
let output = this.settings.pclintplus.severityLevels[severity as keyof PclintPlusSeverityMaps];
return VS_DiagnosticSeverity.from(output);
this.settings: { enable: true, debug: true, ............. pclintplus: { enable: true, executable: '<pclint_dir>/windows/pclp64_debug.exe', configFile: '<myproject_dir>/source/project.lnt', headerArgs: [], severityLevels: { error: 'Error', warning: 'Warning', info: 'Information', note: 'Hint' } }, .............
Supplemental is missing.
~Fix~ Workaround: add in settings.json
"c-cpp-flylint.pclintplus.severityLevels": {
"error": "Error",
"warning": "Warning",
"info": "Information",
"note": "Hint",
"supplemental": "Hint"
Issue #216
I have sample C++ program with memory leak issue to detect. I am unable to see PC-Lint Plus error messages in "PROBLEM" window of VSCode but able to see the output messages on "OUTPUT" window.
Here is the configuration setting i am using:
The error i am getting is as below:
vscode-c-cpp-flylint: 'The diagnostic code undefined was neither a number nor string!' while validating: d:\SonarQube\Linter\VSCode\FirstProgram\HelloWorld.cpp. Please analyze the 'C/C++ FlyLint' Output console. Stacktrace: TypeError: The diagnostic code undefined was neither a number nor string! at Object.from (c:\Users\z0042k0v\.vscode\extensions\jbenden.c-cpp-flylint-1.11.0\server\out\server.js:2:28004) at c.getSeverityCode (c:\Users\z0042k0v\.vscode\extensions\jbenden.c-cpp-flylint-1.11.0\server\out\server.js:2:17629) at c.parseLine (c:\Users\z0042k0v\.vscode\extensions\jbenden.c-cpp-flylint-1.11.0\server\out\server.js:2:16880) at c:\Users\z0042k0v\.vscode\extensions\jbenden.c-cpp-flylint-1.11.0\server\out\server.js:2:13622 at Array.forEach (<anonymous>) at c.parseLines (c:\Users\z0042k0v\.vscode\extensions\jbenden.c-cpp-flylint-1.11.0\server\out\server.js:2:13492) at c.lint (c:\Users\z0042k0v\.vscode\extensions\jbenden.c-cpp-flylint-1.11.0\server\out\se...
Could anyone please guide me what's the issue here?