jbenden / vscode-c-cpp-flylint

A VS Code extension for advanced, modern, static analysis of C/C++ that supports a number of back-end analyzer programs.
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Issues reported from specific path wont showup in Problems tab #188

Open kamtar opened 1 year ago

kamtar commented 1 year ago

I have a very particular issue, all issues from files in a specific folder won't showup in a Problems tab. Problems from C/C++ and GCC compiler will be reported correctly for those files but problems reported by a flylint won't show up.

Debug output looks something like this:

Skipping analysis because ON_SAVE !== ON_TYPE. c:\project_folder\Sources\file1.cpp is currently version number 2 and 1 was already been scanned. c:\project_folder\Sources\file1.cpp force = false. c:\project_folder\Sources\file1.cpp is now at version number 2. Performing lint scan of c:\project_folder\Sources\file1.cpp... executing: C:\Program Files\Cppcheck\cppcheck.EXE --inline-suppr --enable=warning,style,performance,portability,information --std=c11 --std=c++11 --language=c++ --platform=native --template="{file} {line} {severity} {id}: {message}" --disable=information,style c:\project_folder\Sources\file1.cpp [ 'Checking c:\project_folder\Sources\file1.cpp ...', '' ] [ "c:\\project_folder\\Sources\\file1.cpp 849 error arrayIndexOutOfBounds: Array 'str_mem[42]' accessed at index 42, which is out of bounds.", "c:\\project_folder\\Sources\\subsystems\\file2.hpp 17 warning uninitMemberVar: Member variable 'm_timer_filter' is not initialized in the constructor.", '' ] Completed lint scans...

file2 will be shown in the Problems tab but file1 never. No files c:\\project_folder\\Sources\\*.* will ever showup in the Problems tab. c:\\project_folder\\Sources\\SomethingElse\\*.* works fine c:\\project_folder\\SourcesElse\\*.* works fine too.

What makes me confused is that IntelliSense and GCC reports errors for those files correctly but flylint no.