jbenden / vscode-c-cpp-flylint

A VS Code extension for advanced, modern, static analysis of C/C++ that supports a number of back-end analyzer programs.
MIT License
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Not all errors are displayed in the problems window #223

Open thxpeople opened 2 months ago

thxpeople commented 2 months ago

When analyzing the code, cppcheck outputs more warnings and errors than it appears in the problem window.

cppcheck version 2.14.1, C/C++ Advanced Lint v1.15.0

User code:

#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
    int c = 1;
    if (c == 0) {  }
    if (c == 0) {  }
    if (c == 0) {  }

C/C++ Flylint output:

d:\test\main.c force = false.
d:\test\main.c is now at version number 1.
Performing lint scan of d:\test\main.c...
executing:  C:\Program Files\Cppcheck\cppcheck.EXE --inline-suppr --enable=warning,style,performance,portability,information --std=c11 --std=c++11 --language=c++ --platform=native --template="{file}  {line}  {severity} {id}: {message}" d:/test/main.c
  "cppcheck: '--enable=information' will no longer implicitly enable 'missingInclude' starting with 2.16. Please enable it explicitly if you require it.",
  'Checking d:\\test\\main.c ...',
  '"d:\\test\\main.c  1  information missingIncludeSystem: Include file: <stdio.h> not found. Please note: Cppcheck does not need standard library headers to get proper results."',
  `"d:\\test\\main.c  4  style knownConditionTrueFalse: Condition 'c==0' is always false"`,
  `"d:\\test\\main.c  5  style knownConditionTrueFalse: Condition 'c==0' is always false"`,
  `"d:\\test\\main.c  6  style knownConditionTrueFalse: Condition 'c==0' is always false"`,
  '"nofile  0  information checkersReport: Active checkers: 165/802 (use --checkers-report=<filename> to see details)"',
Completed lint scans...

vscode problem window: (I expected to see all three knownConditionTrueFalse and one missingIncludeSystem)
