jbenet / depviz

dependency visualizer for the web
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Clicking on node #30

Open victorb opened 7 years ago

victorb commented 7 years ago

Currently, this is the behavior of clicking on a node:

Github Icon: Go to github.com Issue title: Go to that issue on github.com Clicking/Hovering depends/related/blocks icons: Nothing

Suggested behavior:

Github Icon: Open new tab with issue on github.com Issue title: Navigate to that issue in depviz Clicking/Hovering depends/related/blocks icons: Show what the icon means

depends on #33 depends on #45

jbenet commented 7 years ago

I agree with these o/ -- said more in https://github.com/jbenet/depviz/issues/45

wking commented 7 years ago

On Tue, Nov 29, 2016 at 03:13:05AM -0800, ᴠɪᴄᴛᴏʀ ʙᴊᴇʟᴋʜᴏʟᴍ wrote:

Github Icon: Open new tab with issue on github.com Issue title: Navigate to that issue in depviz

I like having the host icon link to the host, because that's what the icon represents. I expect the default meaning of links to be “link to ${link-content}”, not “link to this issue on ${link-content}”. Similarly, we have the person image linking to that person's page, and not to the issue somehow in the context of that person's page/site. With this approach, the ID (e.g. jbenet/depviz#45) is the obvious choice for linking to the native issue itself (e.g. 1).

The problem with my approach is that all the real estate on collapsed cards is gone, and we still need to bind “center on this card and update the location” to something. #45 proposed a new permalink/anchor button to get some space for this, but it doesn't seem to be gaining traction.

@VictorBjelkholm posted an example of how Waffle handles links to the native issue (with the host icon and the comment icon both linking to the native issue) 2, but that doesn't seem like an intuitive choice to me (why the host icon, but not the person icon? Why the comment icon, but not the title?). But consistency and intuition aside, I agree that a link to the host is less interesting than a link to the associated people. So I'm not very strongly against the proposal here. I just feel like there should be an approach that gives us a clear “center…” action without subverting the host logo.

I think the “link to this issue on ${link-content}” intepretation is more obvious if there are choices. That's a bit hard for us, since a GitHub issue is probably only going to exist on GitHub (for example) and not also be mirrored on some other host. Maybe you could link to GHTorrent or whatever? And if we have a small, boxy depviz logo (#14) in that list, maybe it would be a good anchor for “center…”. So the collapsed card would hold something like:

${ID} ${host-logo} ${depviz-logo} [${mirror-logo}…]


jbenet/depviz#45 🐙ⓥ🐈

Then you could have the whole “${ID} ${host-logo}” span link to the native issue, the depviz logo being “center…” (i.e. link to the issue on depviz), and the mirror logos being “link to this issue on the ${mirror}”.

Or maybe I'm just overthinking this, and folks will get used to whatever we pick ;).