Closed pakistancan closed 6 years ago
@jbenet Please merge this
Merged ..
Thanks @gavineadie , can you please also push it to cocoa pods?
Done? I'm not a CocoaPods user so please check it's OK.
@gavineadie It is not pushed yet, cocoapods is still showing 1.1.8
When I tried to push 1.1.9 from my machine it says "You are not allowed to push new versions for this pod. The owners of this pod are"
Please try to push it using following command
pod trunk push ios-ntp.podspec --allow-warnings
There is a warning with a tvOS usage in CocoaAsyncSocket
-> ios-ntp (1.1.9)
- WARN | [tvOS] xcodebuild:
warning: 'kCFStreamNetworkServiceTypeVoIP' is deprecated: first deprecated in tvOS 9.0
but the push completed:
ios-ntp (1.1.9) successfully published
June 7th, 11:02
Tell your friends!
Thanks 👍
There was a conflict when using cocoasyncsocket and ios-ntp, just added pod dependency and removed files asyncsocket files form network-lib