jbenet / ios-ntp

SNTP implementation for iOS
MIT License
371 stars 112 forks source link

Segregated cocoaasyncsocket #59

Closed pakistancan closed 6 years ago

pakistancan commented 6 years ago

There was a conflict when using cocoasyncsocket and ios-ntp, just added pod dependency and removed files asyncsocket files form network-lib

pakistancan commented 6 years ago

@jbenet Please merge this

gavineadie commented 6 years ago

Merged ..

pakistancan commented 6 years ago

Thanks @gavineadie , can you please also push it to cocoa pods?

gavineadie commented 6 years ago

Done? I'm not a CocoaPods user so please check it's OK.

pakistancan commented 6 years ago

@gavineadie It is not pushed yet, cocoapods is still showing 1.1.8

When I tried to push 1.1.9 from my machine it says "You are not allowed to push new versions for this pod. The owners of this pod are gavineadie@mac.com"

Please try to push it using following command

pod trunk push ios-ntp.podspec --allow-warnings

gavineadie commented 6 years ago

There is a warning with a tvOS usage in CocoaAsyncSocket:

 -> ios-ntp (1.1.9)
    - WARN  | [tvOS] xcodebuild:  
    warning: 'kCFStreamNetworkServiceTypeVoIP' is deprecated: first deprecated in tvOS 9.0

but the push completed:

ios-ntp (1.1.9) successfully published
June 7th, 11:02
Tell your friends!
pakistancan commented 6 years ago

Thanks 👍