jbenet / random-ideas

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Worst is Best #16

Open jbenet opened 10 years ago

jbenet commented 10 years ago

@cleichner let's set aside time and draft this essay here.

Premise: javascript is C in the "Worse is Better" paradigm. Goal: extract learnings from "worse" programming systems that won. Identify properties systems should aim for and avoid.

cleichner commented 10 years ago

I like the phrase "Programming System" and think it is very useful for these sorts of discussions. This is going to be super scattershot because I thought about this a bit this morning and want to get these ideas out.

Worse is better and friends were written before the development of the internet so it misses some very important facets of development now.

With that in mind, there are two more examples of systems being more important than language in a worse-is-better (or maybe system-is-better) way:

Richard's follow-up essay Worse is Worse explicitly states a few points that I think are relevant to this discussion. ("within the context of the worse-is-better systems, these system were the right thing")

cleichner commented 10 years ago

The domain and codomain of "worse is better" are different. Sometimes worse is worse and sometimes better is better. Make a two-by-two.

cleichner commented 10 years ago

Unix and C are not disjoint from the worst is best languages. Diff and patch came from C and Unix, this is a package manager and code distribution tool. Email is the substrate.

markmiro commented 3 years ago

Some guesses and observations: