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JRFC 25 - Time Optimized Meetings #25

Open jbenet opened 9 years ago

jbenet commented 9 years ago

JRFC 25 - Time Optimized Meetings

Time matters. Mine and yours. Often, more time is wasted scheduling or travelling to meetings than actually meeting. This is absurd. I rather spend time speaking with you than transiting or calendaring. This is worst when physical presense is not substantive. I propose the Time Optimized Meeting protocol. Please schedule meetings with me this way. Contributions welcome. Love, Juan.

TOM Values

Core Principles

I find that ~20min video calls (+Hangouts or Skype) hit the sweet spot of hyper focused and lowest overhead.

Please bear with me if I suggest that we +hangout. I would much prefer to meet in person, but I can be more valuable to you if I meet more often and waste less time.

TOM Scheduling

Scheduling sucks. Optimize it away. The protocol below can help. It doesn't have to be so dry. The exchange below conforms just fine and gives me tears of joy.

Message 1 from [REDACTED]

Hey Juan,

I saw your IPFS project on Github. It's very interesting. It would be useful to discuss how it might relate to [REDACTED]. We would like to use it internally for managing VM image distribution in our clusters, but need to have clear performance and stability expectations.

Would you have time for a 20min video call with us? If so, it would be ideal to talk next week. Most times within 7/10-7/13 between 1pm-4pm (EST) work for us. How about any of 7/10-7/13 at 2pm EST?

Cheers, [REDACTED]

Message 2 from @jbenet

Hello [REDACTED], Great! Would love to! Let's do 7/13 at 2pm EST. juan@benet.ai. Juan

Message 3 from [REDACTED]

Great, thanks. 7/13, 2pm EST confirmed.

Message 4 from [REDACTED]

[REDACTED] sent calendar invite with clear details

Boom. 4 messages. Hyper clear and done.

Tom Scheduling Protocol

Below, starter is meeting initiator. participants are all parties. To avoid confusion, starter is responsible for attaining consensus in a fault tolerant way. Above all, respect time preferences.

  1. starter sends message to all participants including:
    1. Purpose. Clearly state reason for meeting. Include necessary information, links, etc. Ballpark: 1 paragraph + links.
    2. Duration options. clearly state restrictions (i.e. "at least 30 min", "at most 50min")
    3. Venue options. clearly state restrictions (i.e. "must be a call due to travel", or "must be in person due to ..."). Optimize for least time cost (i.e. "Venue: +Hangout or in person in SF or MV")
    4. Date options. clearly state restrictions (i.e. "must happen before Aug 8.", "")
    5. Make three optimistic suggestions. Pick three reasonable choices given restrictions and suggest them up front.
  2. All participants respond once:
    1. Acknowledgement. whether or not they agree to meet.
    2. Sorted selection of optimisitc suggestions. AND/OR:
    3. Additional restrictions with counter proposals.
  3. sender waits for all or most (2/3) or simply key participants' responses.
    1. If consensus has been reached (any option that works), name it. Be decisive.
    2. Otherwise, repeat with summarized set of constraints + new options.
    3. sender sends confirmation to participants, including all relevant information.
    4. sender sends a Calendar Invite to participants with all details.
    5. If meeting is more than ~5 days away, sender sends reminder ~3 days prior. (no "still on?", just a reminder)
ChristopherA commented 8 years ago

For time optimized meetings, you suggest using Github issues. I've been trying to do that to optimize the meeting we are having for #RebootingWebOfTrust by having pre-readings and asking people to post issues. However, I've had a very difficult time herding cats to get the advance readings up so that people post issues, and so far there has been only one issue posted.

Basically, everyone is too busy, but all agree the meeting will be useful. Any suggestions on how to move the process forward?

sesam commented 4 years ago

x.ai schedules meetings. More "smart" agents to be expected. Until then, there's always Huginn software agents (AI optional).