jbensmann / mouseless

A replacement for the mouse in Linux
MIT License
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Can't run without sudo command even with udev rule added #2

Closed SeafoamGreeen closed 1 year ago

SeafoamGreeen commented 1 year ago

Hey, thanks for the cool program! I'm having troubles making mouseless run without sudo privileges. I ran the command on the readme, rebooted, and when trying to run mouseless it gave me this error.

ERRO[0000] Failed to init the virtual mouse: could not create relative axis input device: could not open device file

Then I tried to manually add the rules, this is the file. 99-seafoam.rules (user is seafoam) KERNEL=="input", GROUP="seafoam", MODE:="0660" KERNEL=="event*", GROUP="seafoam", NAME="input/%k", MODE="660" after rebooting, it kept giving me the same error as before. am I missing something?

jbensmann commented 1 year ago

Hey, looks like there is a mistake in the README, it must be KERNEL=="uinput" instead of KERNEL=="input", thanks for spotting this, I will correct it. Let me know if it works with the correction.

SeafoamGreeen commented 1 year ago

Hey, yeah it worked, but also I had to do one extra step to get it working, I followed this instructions to make the udev rules change permission. https://github.com/chrippa/ds4drv/issues/93#issuecomment-265300511 Don't know if it's a common problem but I thought it's worth mentioning if someone else can't get their udev rules to change. The issue is fixed

gotbletu commented 9 months ago

same issue, maybe add that in the frontpage so others dont gotta dig thru these github issues pages. anyways works now without sudo

echo "uinput" | sudo tee /etc/modules-load.d/uinput.conf

jbensmann commented 9 months ago

Thanks I have added it to the README