jbensmann / mouseless

A replacement for the mouse in Linux
MIT License
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Indicator that mouseless is running #53

Open se7en-x230 opened 3 months ago

se7en-x230 commented 3 months ago

I thought I create a waybar module that checks if mouseless is running. But I as it always runs I could not find a way. Any ideas how to create a indicator that mouseless is active?

for now I came up with if ps -e -o pid,tty,stat,cmd | grep -iw "tty1 Sl+ mouseless" | grep -qv grep; then ...

which indicates if it is running but not really that it is active. I don't know how I would get a signal to use that mouseless is not only running but that it is active.

Maybe someone else has a better idea.


jbensmann commented 3 months ago

You mean you want to know whether mouseless is in the mouse layer, right?

I think there is currently no way to find that out, but I am planning to add an enterCommand to the config of a layer that is executed whenever mouseless jumps to that layer, where you could then e.g. create a file or directly update the bar.

But that might take some weeks to come since I am also working on some other features.

se7en-x230 commented 3 months ago

Yes exactly that is what I was aiming for.

se7en-x230 commented 1 month ago

Is that topic still worked on or should I close the issue?

jbensmann commented 1 month ago

Yes I plan to add it to the next version, but recently did not work as much on mouseless as I would've liked. Hopefully there will be more progress soon. I will close the issue when the new version has been released.