jbensmann / mouseless

A replacement for the mouse in Linux
MIT License
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Moving mouse pointer to absolute position #59

Open oscarfv opened 1 month ago

oscarfv commented 1 month ago

I just discovered this little gem. Thank you very much for sharing it.

I'm trying to replace some xdotool invocations with the actions provided natively by mouseless. One of them is to move the mouse pointer to an absolute point of the screen. Started with this:

w: move -9999 -9999

It moves the pointer to the top left corner of the screen. So far so good. Then tried this:

w: multi move  -9999 -9999 ; move 100 0

It does nothing :-(.

I guess there are some problems with this approach: for starters, one thing is the numbers taken by the move action and another is the coordinates of the screen, they surely are different things. This is not a big deal because I can adjust the numbers until they are correct.

Second issue is that mouseless repeatedly issues move pseudo-inputs for as long as the key is pressed. This does not fit with what I want to do: "move this much to here and then that much to there".

So it is clear that I'm doing this wrong. My question is: is it possible to do what I want with current mouseless? If the answer is negative, is this an interesting feature for adding to mouseless?

mashrit commented 3 weeks ago

yes, i request this feature from the developer