jbergler / hass-ttlock

Home Assistant integration for TTLock locks
53 stars 11 forks source link

Home Assistant Lock Status #72

Open jxbrown opened 9 months ago

jxbrown commented 9 months ago
          The integration works great, thanks!

However, the state of the lock only updates when locking/unlocking through Home Assistant or the TTLock APP. The state of the lock does not update itself in HA when operating the lock manually or via the TTLock app.

Can I update how often the lock status updates Home Assistant?

Originally posted by @jxbrown in https://github.com/jbergler/hass-ttlock/issues/1#issuecomment-1720739630

noizo commented 9 months ago

I have same problem. I'm using DS2 door sensor, and when it's paired with lock, lock is closing automatically after i close a door. HA unfortunately still indicates that lock is unlocked. For that matter, it would be nice to have sensor battery level near lock battery level.

My setup described here https://github.com/jbergler/hass-ttlock/issues/1#issuecomment-1745484475

Kevin4999 commented 9 months ago

Same issue with mine:

I got my Hornbill lock from Amazon to show up in Home Assistant. Lock: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08Z7LRPPF/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1

I can lock and unlock through Home Assistant. Sometimes on the first attempt, I get call service failed. It works on the second try. However, the state of the lock only updates when locking/unlocking through Home Assistant. The state of the lock does not update itself when operating the lock manually or on the TTLock app even after a month of testing thus far.

The other sensors are as follows: Battery: Works fine Last Operator: Not updating. Always saying "Unknown" Last Trigger: Not Updating. Always saying "Unknown" Passage Mode: Off (Did not attempt to change this)

jbergler commented 8 months ago

I'm not sure about the door sensor, I don't have one myself and some of the events get notifications via the ebhook, while others (like auto lock after a configured delay) don't get notifications and need a local implementation within the integration to emulate the status changes.

First question is the webhook setup and working for you? If you're not seeing the trigger/operator sensors updating its unlikely.

What I think I'd need is some pretty detailed logging - easiest way is probably to put this in your configuration.yaml and restart home assistant

    homeassistant.components.webhook: debug
    custom_components.ttlock: debug

Just a warning though - I'm reasonably busy through til Christmas, so I don't know if I'll find the time to do much with the logs before then but I'll do my best.

alloro72 commented 8 months ago

The same issue; I didn't receive the notification with the webhook URL to use as Callback on TTLOCK portal; how to view the URL?

jbergler commented 8 months ago

The same issue; I didn't receive the notification with the webhook URL to use as Callback on TTLOCK portal; how to view the URL?

The notification should return until the first time it gets hit, if you want to look it up after that check your home assistant logs, should look something like this

2023-10-16 07:57:19.252 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.ttlock] Webhook registered at https://...
cameronbowe commented 8 months ago

I've noticed the lock status is always incorrect unless I use it only on HomeAssistant, but that's not gonna work when people unlock the door without it..

thefunkygibbon commented 7 months ago

I have the same issue. The lock is set to auto lock after 5 seconds, but it seems that the integration doesn't poll the lock for its status at all. If i use the app and check the status , i can see that it indeed unlocks ok via home assistant, and checking it again 5 seconds later it says it is locked again, but HA still says it is unlocked. so it seems that it is either not checking the status again or maybe the plugin doesn't support polling for status. ??

also last used and last operator are always "unknown"

edit: ok i didn't do the callback url thing. added that and the status seems to be ok , as does last operator etc. maybe the others in this thread didnt do that too?

pazoozoo123 commented 7 months ago

Hi, I just installed my new TTLock based door lock and installed this integration using HACS, setup the web hook etc. Everything works except the actual lock status which never gets updated to locked state unless the lock is operated using HA ( I guess since I have a door sensor and don't use the auto lock timer feature). If I unlock the door HA updates the lock state to unlocked and allows locking but I have the door sensor and as soon as the door is closed the lock engages automatically however HA still thinks the lock is unlocked.

I turned on debug mode and looked at the logs and it seems TTLock web hook only reports a lock being unlocked but not locked, I am however getting an additional web hook record for my TTLock door sensor, first it would be nice to get a binary sensor based on this data telling HA when the door is open or closed, secondly you could infer from the door closed message that the lock has engaged as until this point my lock has always locked itself after the sensor reported closed.

I am attaching the logs of the door sensor web hook to aid in figuring out how it operates. The first message is the unlock event received, then a door open message and finally a door closed but no door locked message from TTLock.

2023-12-01 12:35:32.408 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.ttlock] Got webhook data: <MultiDictProxy('lockId': 'REDACTED', 'notifyType': '1', 'records': '[{"lockId":REDACTED,"electricQuantity":72,"serverDate":1701426932371,"recordTypeFromLock":20,"recordType":8,"success":1,"lockMac":"REDACTED","keyboardPwd":"REDACTED","lockDate":1701426883000,"username":"REDACTED"}]', 'admin': 'REDACTED', 'lockMac': 'REDACTED')> 2023-12-01 12:35:32.408 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.ttlock.coordinator] Lock ttlock-REDACTED received id=REDACTED mac='REDACTED' battery_level=72 server_ts=datetime.datetime(2023, 12, 1, 12, 35, 32, 371000, tzinfo=zoneinfo.ZoneInfo(key='Asia/Jerusalem')) lock_ts=datetime.datetime(2023, 12, 1, 12, 34, 43, tzinfo=zoneinfo.ZoneInfo(key='Asia/Jerusalem')) event=Event(EventDescription(action=<Action.unlock: 3>, description='unlock by fingerprint')) user='REDACTED' success=True 2023-12-01 12:35:32.408 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.ttlock.coordinator] Auto-lock is disabled 2023-12-01 12:35:32.408 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.ttlock.coordinator] Manually updated ttlock data 2023-12-01 12:35:33.172 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.ttlock] Got webhook data: <MultiDictProxy('lockId': 'REDACTED', 'notifyType': '1', 'records': '[{"lockId":REDACTED,"electricQuantity":72,"serverDate":1701426932992,"recordTypeFromLock":31,"recordType":31,"success":1,"lockMac":"REDACTED","keyboardPwd":"","lockDate":1701426924000}]', 'admin': 'REDACTED', 'lockMac': 'REDACTED')> 2023-12-01 12:35:33.172 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.ttlock.coordinator] Lock ttlock-REDACTED received id=REDACTED mac='REDACTED' battery_level=72 server_ts=datetime.datetime(2023, 12, 1, 12, 35, 32, 992000, tzinfo=zoneinfo.ZoneInfo(key='Asia/Jerusalem')) lock_ts=datetime.datetime(2023, 12, 1, 12, 35, 24, tzinfo=zoneinfo.ZoneInfo(key='Asia/Jerusalem')) event=Event(EventDescription(action=<Action.unknown: 1>, description='Door sensor open')) user=None success=True 2023-12-01 12:35:33.172 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.ttlock.coordinator] Manually updated ttlock data 2023-12-01 12:35:34.320 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.ttlock] Got webhook data: <MultiDictProxy('lockId': 'REDACTED', 'notifyType': '1', 'records': '[{"lockId":REDACTED,"electricQuantity":72,"serverDate":1701426934225,"recordTypeFromLock":30,"recordType":30,"success":1,"lockMac":"REDACTED","keyboardPwd":"","lockDate":1701426925000}]', 'admin': 'REDACTED', 'lockMac': 'REDACTED')> 2023-12-01 12:35:34.320 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.ttlock.coordinator] Lock ttlock-REDACTED received id=REDACTED mac='REDACTED' battery_level=72 server_ts=datetime.datetime(2023, 12, 1, 12, 35, 34, 225000, tzinfo=zoneinfo.ZoneInfo(key='Asia/Jerusalem')) lock_ts=datetime.datetime(2023, 12, 1, 12, 35, 25, tzinfo=zoneinfo.ZoneInfo(key='Asia/Jerusalem')) event=Event(EventDescription(action=<Action.unknown: 1>, description='Door sensor closed')) user=None success=True 2023-12-01 12:35:34.320 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.ttlock.coordinator] Manually updated ttlock data

Edit: Went to the models.py file and edited line 134 from: 30: EventDescription(Action.unknown, "Door sensor closed"), to 30: EventDescription(Action.lock, "Door sensor closed"),

This gives me the basic behavior I want of HA detecting when the door is locked again but obviously a proper door sensor implementation will be greatly appreciated.

cloudbr34k84 commented 5 months ago

Im reporting the same issue as well with Lock. Any updates on this??

rodrigofragadf commented 5 months ago

I'm also having the same problem. Is there any solution?

jbergler commented 4 months ago

@pazoozoo123 thanks for providing logs that's starting to help paint a picture of what's going on here.

This log message suggests that the integration doesn't think the lock has auto lock configured.

2023-12-01 12:35:32.408 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.ttlock.coordinator] Auto-lock is disabled

I need to get the reported configuration of the lock to dig into this further. Are you able to share a new set of logs, this time including the initial fetch of the lock details when the integration reloads?

pazoozoo123 commented 4 months ago

I turned on debug mode in the integration and reloaded it, here is what the logs contained:

2024-02-19 19:07:14.139 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.ttlock.api] [98b3] Sending request to https://euapi.ttlock.com/v3/lock/list with args={'pageNo': 1, 'pageSize': 1000}
2024-02-19 19:07:14.603 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.ttlock.api] [98b3] Received response: status=200: body={'list': [{'date': 1701112850000, 'specialValue': REDACTED, 'lockAlias': 'Home', 'noKeyPwd': REDACTED, 'electricQuantityUpdateDate': 1708334667000, 'lockMac': REDACTED, 'passageMode': 2, 'timezoneRawOffset': 7200000, 'lockId': REDACTED, 'featureValue': REDACTED, 'electricQuantity': 95, 'bindDate': 1701112850000, 'lockData': REDACTED, 'hasGateway': 1, 'keyboardPwdVersion': 4, 'wirelessKeypadFeatureValue': '0', 'lockVersion': {'showAdminKbpwdFlag': True, 'groupId': 10, 'protocolVersion': 3, 'protocolType': 5, 'orgId': 34, 'logoUrl': '', 'scene': 2}, 'lockName': 'LL70_a80f07'}], 'pageNo': 1, 'pageSize': 1000, 'pages': 1, 'total': 1}
2024-02-19 19:07:14.603 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.ttlock.api] [edb5] Sending request to https://euapi.ttlock.com/v3/lock/detail with args={'lockId': REDACTED}
2024-02-19 19:07:14.681 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.ttlock.api] [edb5] Received response: status=200: body={'date': 1701112850000, 'lockAlias': 'Home', 'lockSound': 1, 'modelNum': 'SN9246-M-469_PV53', 'lockMac': REDACTED, 'privacyLock': 2, 'deletePwd': '', 'featureValue': REDACTED, 'adminPwd': REDACTED, 'soundVolume': 1, 'hasGateway': 1, 'autoLockTime': -1, 'wirelessKeypadFeatureValue': '0', 'lockKey': REDACTED, 'isFrozen': 2, 'lockName': 'LL70_a80f07', 'resetButton': 1, 'firmwareRevision': '', 'tamperAlert': 1, 'specialValue': REDACTED, 'displayPasscode': 0, 'noKeyPwd': REDACTED, 'passageMode': 2, 'passageModeAutoUnlock': 2, 'timezoneRawOffset': 7200000, 'lockId': REDACTED, 'electricQuantity': 95, 'lockFlagPos': 0, 'lockUpdateDate': 1708334656000, 'keyboardPwdVersion': 4, 'aesKeyStr': REDACTED, 'hardwareRevision': '1.3', 'openDirection': 1, 'lockVersion': {'groupId': 10, 'protocolVersion': 3, 'protocolType': 5, 'orgId': 34, 'scene': 2}, 'sensitivity': -1}
2024-02-19 19:07:14.681 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.ttlock.api] [4c4b] Sending request to https://euapi.ttlock.com/v3/lock/queryOpenState with args={'lockId': REDACTED}
2024-02-19 19:07:17.132 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.ttlock.api] [4c4b] Received response: status=200: body={'state': 0, 'sensorState': 1}
2024-02-19 19:07:17.132 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.ttlock.api] [2e1d] Sending request to https://euapi.ttlock.com/v3/lock/getPassageModeConfig with args={'lockId': REDACTED}
2024-02-19 19:07:17.211 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.ttlock.api] [2e1d] Received response: status=200: body={'autoUnlock': 2, 'weekDays': [], 'passageMode': 2}
2024-02-19 19:07:17.212 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.ttlock.coordinator] Finished fetching ttlock data in 2.608 seconds (success: True)
2024-02-19 19:07:17.212 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.ttlock] Webhook registered at

Indeed I don't have auto lock enabled, it is currently set to disabled, the lock still auto locks it self because of the attached door sensor when it detects the door is closed. If I enable auto lock after set time it simply locks the door after the time has elapsed or the door sensor reports the door as closed, obviously auto lock is problematic if the door is kept open and the time elapses as now you have a door that will not close until you instruct it to open again and then physically move it to the closed position.

jbergler commented 4 months ago

Yeah that makes sense. What is the ‘featureValue’ for these locks?

It’s easy enough to plumb the door sensor closed message up so that it marks the door as locked but I don’t know if it’s safe to assume that closing the door also results in it being locked? Is that configurable?

pazoozoo123 commented 4 months ago

The feature value is:

'featureValue': 'C2F5435CCF5F7'

After adding the DS2 ttlock door sensor to the lock using the app the only options available are: Name, Battery, Update, Door-not-locked alert These are self explanatory, there is no way as far as I can tell to disable the lock upon door closed detected feature of the lock paired with the sensor, maybe by running it in passage mode but I never tried that.

lsellens commented 4 months ago

Same issue with my setup. I did use the callback url but when unlocking by fingerprint when the lock relocks HA does not get a updated status. I noticed in the logs on lock2.ttlock.com it only logs unlocks unless you manually lock the lock. Maybe this is why?

philippeantonietti commented 3 months ago

I got the same problem here =[

ashtonaut commented 3 months ago

Same issue here. Webhook URL setup appeared to work fine and no errors in log. Lock will unlock from HA web interface as expected. However, it's set to auto lock after 5 seconds, and when this happens the HA status still shows 'unlocked'. Re-loading the TT Lock integration fixes the issue and the status is correctly reset to 'locked'.

Also, when logging in at lock2.ttlock.com I can see all unlocking history, but agree with earlier poster that auto-lock events aren't shown. However, the lock status reported in that web UI does update and always shows the correct status, so I assume it should be possible to be pulling the correct status. No idea of an auto lock event triggers the webhook, perhaps that's the issue, given reloading the integration (which I assume pulls a fresh status) does capture the correct lock status.

Edit: Further to my above comments, the status did update back to 'locked'! It just took 5 minutes after the door auto-locked. Is the webhook setup supposed to update the status faster than that?