jbergstroem / mariadb-alpine

A tiny and fast MariaDB container
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Investigate build errors on arm #183

Closed jbergstroem closed 1 year ago

jbergstroem commented 1 year ago

The latest release workflow fails due to issues building arm images:

Error: buildx failed with: ERROR: failed to solve: process "/dev/.buildkit_qemu_emulator /bin/ash -euo pipefail -c apk add --no-cache mariadb=${APK_VERSION} mariadb-client=${APK_VERSION} && TO_KEEP=$(echo \" etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt$ usr/bin/mariadb$ usr/bin/mariadbd$ usr/bin/getconf$ usr/bin/getent$ usr/bin/mariadb-install-db$ usr/share/mariadb/charsets usr/share/mariadb/english usr/share/mariadb/mysql_system_tables.sql$ usr/share/mariadb/mysql_performance_tables.sql$ usr/share/mariadb/mysql_system_tables_data.sql$ usr/share/mariadb/maria_add_gis_sp_bootstrap.sql$ usr/share/mariadb/mysql_sys_schema.sql$ usr/share/mariadb/fill_help_tables.sql$\" | tr -d \" \t\n\r\" | sed -e 's/usr/|usr/g' -e 's/^.//') && INSTALLED=$(apk info -q -L mariadb-common mariadb mariadb-client linux-pam ca-certificates | grep \"\S\") && for path in $(echo \"${INSTALLED}\" | grep -v -E \"${TO_KEEP}\"); do eval rm -rf \"${path}\"; done && touch /usr/share/mariadb/mysql_test_db.sql && echo \"!includedir /etc/my.cnf.d\" > /etc/my.cnf && sed -ie 's/' /usr/share/mariadb/mysql_system_tables_data.sql && mkdir /run/mysqld && chown mysql:mysql /etc/my.cnf.d/ /run/mysqld /usr/share/mariadb/mysql_system_tables_data.sql" did not complete successfully: exit code: 1

jbergstroem commented 1 year ago

Wasn't able to reproduce locally..

jbergstroem commented 1 year ago

Looks like space noise.. a retry seems to have worked: https://github.com/jbergstroem/mariadb-alpine/actions/runs/3941696822