jbergstroem / mariadb-alpine

A tiny and fast MariaDB container
MIT License
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For easier updates, can you provide tags like: major.minor #213

Open williamdes opened 1 year ago

williamdes commented 1 year ago

And on each patch major.minor is updated

This also makes it possible for automatic updates using watchtower for example

jbergstroem commented 1 year ago

Just to clarify: aside from latest and 10.6.12, you are looking for 10.6? If yes, I like it.

williamdes commented 1 year ago

yes exactly, to have a latest but for a version range

jbergstroem commented 1 year ago

One thing to consider here is that Alpine doesn't maintain multiple versions of packages very long which means that leaning on 10.6 after the new LTS is chosen would likely make you go out of date unless there are serious critical security bumps. Also, renovatebot wouldn't track all versions of MariaDB in Alpine. I could consider adding git branches for minors and only bump for security updates which would likely happen once Alpine chooses the new LTS.

williamdes commented 1 year ago

do you mean that you only install the alpine MariaDB server package? and everything will depend on alpine upstream?

jbergstroem commented 1 year ago

do you mean that you only install the alpine MariaDB server package? and everything will depend on alpine upstream?

This is how the container works at the moment, yes! It's not necessarily a Bad Thing; most containers relies on distributions for dependency mangement. It just makes it harder to maintain multiple release lines.

That said, MariaDB doesn't encourage using non-LTS releases outside of their lifecycle which means that there won't be multiple supported release lines.

You can get an overview of all releases here: https://mariadb.com/kb/en/mariadb-server-release-dates/

MariaDB 10.11 will become LTS which means that 10.6 and 10.11 should overlap and likely exist in parallel for Alpine Linux release lines. Debian and most other linux distributions will do the same.

Some years ago I considered maintaining a custom build suite – the work is still in a branch – but its a lot of work to maintain a smooth cmake build experience across multiple versions. I could consider revisiting it at some point..

williamdes commented 1 year ago

yeah I understand all this, some companies can not upgrade because they are too afraid or such things but I can upgrade, I was wondering why this repository was still on 10.6 can you provide newer versions?

jbergstroem commented 1 year ago

can you provide newer versions?

10.6 is the currrent LTS version which means its the one that is packaged in Alpine. As 10.11 becomes LTS, it will find its way here.

If I would undertake the mission of building myself, the repo probably would change significantly since its no tied to Alpine. At that stage it would likely be renamed and shaped into a new org with containers focused on size as the first goal (similar to this but without restrictions based on distribution).

williamdes commented 1 year ago

okay, so I think you could provide a lts docker tag so installations always track the lts version?

williamdes commented 1 year ago

by the way I do a bunch of containers at @sudo-bot so maybe you would want to join if you intend to do such a container We have the the sponsored OSS level of docker registry: https://hub.docker.com/r/botsudo/capistrano

jbergstroem commented 1 year ago

okay, so I think you could provide a lts docker tag so installations always track the lts version?

This is what the latest flag would provide at the moment. I think the best option – as you suggested – will be adding a minor series (10.6). The problem with a "LTS" tag is that the LTS tags are overlapping (both 10.6 and 10.11 would have it). I could do what we set up with Node.js where lts would switch as part of a new LTS being promoted. Need to think about that.

My suggestion is – for now – to stick with latest which is 100% guaranteed to work and track latest LTS. As 10.6 lands (probs this weekend), feel free to switch.

williamdes commented 1 year ago

thanks for 10.6 the thing is by using latest you really do not know what version it will be if you don't update your config for one or two years but now I know latest is lts ^^

jbergstroem commented 1 year ago

the thing is by using latest you really do not know what version it will be if you don't update your config for one or two years

Across Docker Hub I agree; there is no standardized/agreed upon best practice for latest. I personally stay off latest, so I guess I'm not dogfooding here :-)