jberkel / android-plugin

An sbt plugin for Android development in Scala
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should -keep subclasses of android.content.ContentProvider #10

Closed timbertson closed 14 years ago

timbertson commented 14 years ago

Proguard is stripping my ContentProvider implementor from the generated jar / apk. It looks like adding the following should work, but it doesn't seem to help:

"-keep public class * extents android.content.ContentProvider" ::

(in AndroidProject.scala, alongside all the other -keep flags)

lolsborn commented 14 years ago

Fixed in http://github.com/jberkel/android-plugin/commit/d8a2925f1e0b1e3894504469e4de8f0169372ffa

timbertson commented 14 years ago

I'm afraid this still doesn't seem to work. I did a publish-local, and changed my Plugins.scala line to:

val android = "org.scala-tools.sbt" % "sbt-android-plugin" % "0.4.2"

but after an sbt update and a rebuild, it still strips out the ContentProvider