When I execute android:package-debug I get "Unsupported version number [51.0] for class format"
How can I change this?
[info] Wrote C:\Users\Dave\android-test\target\src_managed\main\scala\androidtes
ProGuard, version 4.6
ProGuard is released under the GNU General Public License. You therefore
must ensure that programs that link to it (scala, ...)
carry the GNU General Public License as well. Alternatively, you can
apply for an exception with the author of ProGuard.
Reading program directory [C:\Users\Dave\android-test\target\scala-2.9.1\classes
[error] {file:/C:/Users/Dave/android-test/}Android Test/android:proguard: java.i
o.IOException: Can't read [C:\Users\Dave\android-test\target\scala-2.9.1\classes
](Can't process class [androidtest/R$attr.class] %28Unsupported version number [5
1.0] for class format%29)
[error] Total time: 3 s, completed 12-dec-2011 2:32:08
When I execute android:package-debug I get "Unsupported version number [51.0] for class format" How can I change this?