jberkel / android-plugin

An sbt plugin for Android development in Scala
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0.12 version available? #134

Closed DaveGit closed 12 years ago

DaveGit commented 12 years ago

Hi, I like to upgrade to 0.12, but the sbt android plugin is still 0.11.2 and thus not compatible.

Is there a 0.12 available?

I now use

libraryDependencies += Defaults.sbtPluginExtra( "org.scala-sbt" % "sbt-android-plugin" % "0.6.1", "0.11.2", "2.9.1" )

inside 0.12.0 so I get

java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: sbt.SettingKey$.apply(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/ String;Lscala/reflect/Manifest;)Lsbt/SettingKey; at AndroidKeys$.(AndroidKeys.scala:13) at AndroidKeys$.(AndroidKeys.scala) at General$.(build.scala:11) at General$.(build.scala)

jberkel commented 12 years ago

0.6.2 works with sbt 0.12.x

DaveGit commented 12 years ago

Thanks, it works