Make more precisely and customizable resource handling.
For example, when I don't want to use proguard to unmanaged jars.
useProguard in Android := true,
dxInputs in Android <+= (unmanagedBase) map (x => x),
Now, 'dx' command can handle directories properly, but ApkBuilder could not so.
Because ApkBuilder requires that dxInputs contains files.
Consequently, generated apk contains classes but does not contain resources.
add resourceContainingJars key for ApkBuilder
Make more precisely and customizable resource handling. For example, when I don't want to use proguard to unmanaged jars.
Now, 'dx' command can handle directories properly, but ApkBuilder could not so. Because ApkBuilder requires that dxInputs contains files. Consequently, generated apk contains classes but does not contain resources.
prevent other projects are broken by GlobalScope
fix #141