This may be a tricky one, but I suspect that it is not possible to use custom classes in XML layouts as proguard will not recognise the reference. Perhaps the plugin should parse classnames from XML layouts and pass these to proguard as keepers.
The XML layout includes reference to net.badgerhunt.hwa.ScribbleView
The full jar...
jar tvf target/scala_2.7.7/hwandroidproject_2.7.7-0.1.jar
25 Wed May 12 14:44:38 EST 2010 META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
320 Wed May 12 14:44:36 EST 2010 net/badgerhunt/hwa/R$string.class
464 Wed May 12 14:44:36 EST 2010 net/badgerhunt/hwa/R.class
324 Wed May 12 14:44:36 EST 2010 net/badgerhunt/hwa/R$drawable.class
991 Wed May 12 14:44:34 EST 2010 net/badgerhunt/hwa/MainActivity.class
264 Wed May 12 14:44:36 EST 2010 net/badgerhunt/hwa/R$attr.class
316 Wed May 12 14:44:36 EST 2010 net/badgerhunt/hwa/R$layout.class
1835 Wed May 12 14:27:42 EST 2010 net/badgerhunt/hwa/ScribbleView.class
477 Wed May 12 14:44:36 EST 2010 net/badgerhunt/hwa/R$id.class
The minimum jar ...
jar tvf target/scala_2.7.7/classes.min.jar
793 Wed May 12 14:44:56 EST 2010 net/badgerhunt/hwa/MainActivity.class
316 Wed May 12 14:44:56 EST 2010 net/badgerhunt/hwa/R$layout.class
272 Wed May 12 14:44:56 EST 2010 net/badgerhunt/hwa/R.class
This may be a tricky one, but I suspect that it is not possible to use custom classes in XML layouts as proguard will not recognise the reference. Perhaps the plugin should parse classnames from XML layouts and pass these to proguard as keepers.
The XML layout includes reference to net.badgerhunt.hwa.ScribbleView
The full jar...
The minimum jar ...