jberkus / pgReplicationTutorial

This repository contains files for the PostgreSQL Binary Replication tutorial.
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Resolving permission issues when mounting shared folder from a Windows host. #3

Open Aethylred opened 9 years ago

Aethylred commented 9 years ago

The synched_folder parameters may resolve the shared folder issue when running the Vagrant boxes under Windows.

puppet.vm.synced_folder 'etc-puppet', '/etc/puppet',
      owner:  'root',
      group:  'root',
      create: true,
      mount_options: ['dmode=775','fmode=664']

These are faked and can't be modified within the VM, and still won't resolve any issues with linked files.

(I've tried it and it helps, but not resolved, may need a different user or group.)

Aethylred commented 9 years ago

changing the fmode to a horribly unsecure 665 resolves this issue, was able to repeat all the steps in basic 2-node replication