jberthold / packman

Evaluation-orthogonal serialisation of Haskell data, as a library
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GHC linker error - undefined symbol: mblock_address_space #13

Open ddssff opened 6 years ago

ddssff commented 6 years ago

I haven't investigated this closely, but when I try to compile with packman I get this:

-- <no location info>: error:
--     <command line>: can't load .so/.DLL for: /usr/lib/haskell-packages/ghc/lib/x86_64-linux-ghc-8.4.3/libHSpackman-0.5.0-Fv7reuyLHo03M7x4FerNmn-ghc8.4.3.so (/usr/lib/haskell-packages/ghc/lib/x86_64-linux-ghc-8.4.3/libHSpackman-0.5.0-Fv7reuyLHo03M7x4FerNmn-ghc8.4.3.so: undefined symbol: mblock_address_space)

I copied the code I needed into my app for the moment. Has anyone seen this error?

ddssff commented 6 years ago

oh, probably a missing c library?

jberthold commented 5 years ago

Apologies, I did not see this issue (did not spend time on this recently, very busy). I can look into this problem if it is still relevant. Would need some information about the platform you are trying to compile and run with (like uname -a ). EDIT: Just saw in the error message that the GHC is 8.4.3. Are you working with a branch or with master (master is only expected to support GHC <= 8.2.2), and are you trying to use dynamic linking? (won't work, sorry)

Qqwy commented 3 years ago

I am encountering the same problem.

GHC version 8.8.4. This is using the current master (which have the newer GHC support built-in as #16 was merged), to be exact, using commit 277a60d8438d06ac6abf88117d4b6d021d9c0b1a inside a stack project.

Searching for mblock_address_space in the GHC repository yields these results.

I am running on an x86_64 arch linux system.

jberthold commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the report @Qqwy From the search results that you linked to, I do not see an immediate hint to what is going wrong here. Anyway, it seems as though fixing this would entail a complete revision of the code, as GHC has moved on quite a bit since i last changed code here. My sincere apologies but unfortunately I have very little time to pick up maintenance for this library again... ;-(

Qqwy commented 3 years ago

No worries!

It might indeed also have been caused by the fact that GHC is also being linked dynamically on my machine (with unfortunately not an easy option to turn it off... I'm using Arch by the way :sweat_smile: ).