jbezos / enumitem

Customize enumerate, itemize and description
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Wrapping item's in a lualatex based environment #31

Closed kalekje closed 2 years ago

kalekje commented 2 years ago

Based on this Stack Exchange Q

I have written a lua-based function to automatically puntuate itemized lists like so:

  1. one;
  2. two; and
  3. three.

The ; etc is automatically added. I can apply this as a command or environment inside an itemize or enumerate environment. What I would prefer though, is to pass autopunc as a key to the optional key-val args that enumitem provides. Eg. \begin{itemize}[autopunc]. Please see MWE below. The error that I am getting is Error: You can't use \spacefactor' after \advance.\@->\spacefactor


function AutoPuncItems(s, btwn, seclast, last) -- add btwn and sec and last options
    local it = '\\item'
    local s_item = '%s*'..it
    btwn = btwn or ';'
    btwn = btwn..' '..it
    seclast = seclast or '; and'
    seclast = seclast..' '..it
    last = last or '.'
    local _, n_matches = string.gsub(s, s_item, "") -- find num items
    s, _ = string.gsub(s, s_item,    seclast,   n_matches) -- replace all items with second last type
    s, _ = string.gsub(s, seclast,   btwn,      n_matches-1) --replace all but last(ie second last) with the between
    s, _ = string.gsub(s, '%s*xxxENDxxx', last) -- add the final char
    s = string.sub(s, #btwn-#it+1, #s)

\NewDocumentCommand{\AutoPuncItems}{ O{;} O{; and} O{.} m }{
\NewDocumentEnvironment{AutoPuncItemize}{ O{;} O{; and} O{.} +b }{

\SetEnumitemKey{autopunc}{% trying these don't seem to work
%    first*=\begin{AutoPuncItemize}, 
%% last=\end{AutoPuncItemize} % not a valid key, but this WOULD be nice


    Works as desired
        \item one
        \item two
        \item three

    Works as desired
        \item one
        \item two
        \item three

    This is what I'm trying to get, desired interface
    \item one
    \item two
    \item three
