jbhaywood / 5e-statblock-importer

A module for FoundryVTT that creates a new actor from any 5e monster or NPC statblock.
MIT License
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Stat Block Not importing correctly #12

Closed sigil-johnstevens closed 2 years ago

sigil-johnstevens commented 2 years ago


Working on a module and the stat block looks ok but some items are getting mashed together: Particularly the bite & tentacle actions and the Keen Sight & Smell and Servitor of the Pale One features.

Amanthine Tracker
Medium monstrosity, neutral
Armor Class 12
Hit Points 52 (8d8 + 16)
Speed 30 ft.
STR 16 (+3)
DEX 15 (+2)
CON 15 (+2)
INT 8 (-1)
WIS 14 (+2)
CHA 8 (-1)
Skills Athletics +7, Perception +5, Stealth +5, Survival +8
Senses Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 15
Languages Common
Challenge 1 (200 XP)
Relentless Hunter. Once the amanthine hunter has caught sight of its prey, it rarely fails in tracking it down. The amanthine hunter can cast the hunter’s mark spell once per day at the lowest level.

Keen Sight and Smell. The amanthine tracker has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight or smell.

Servitor of the Pale One. The Pale One knows where any amanthine tracker is at any time and can perceive through its senses, speak through it, and take direct control of it if the Pale One so chooses.

Bite.  Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (1d10 + 3) piercing damage

Tentacle.  Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 10 (1d6 + 3) bludgeoning damage. If the target is a creature, it is grappled (escape DC 14). Until this grapple ends, the target is restrained, and the octopus can’t use its tentacles on another target.
jbhaywood commented 2 years ago

Should be fixed in the latest version. Thanks for pointing that out.