jbickar / user_list

Drush plugin to provide a user-list command
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Not returning any users in a D7 install #12

Open nodenineinc opened 5 years ago

nodenineinc commented 5 years ago


I'm not quite sure why, but I just cloned this into my functional drush/drupal-7 env and tried running it but it's not returning any users.

Steps performed:

1. cd into /usr/share/php/drush/commands
2. git clone
3. cd into website drupal install dir
4. drush cache-clear drush
5. drush user-list
[ no results returned ]

1. cd into ~/.drush/
2. git clone
3. cd into website drupal install dir
4. drush cache-clear drush
5. drush user-list
[ no results returned ]

I have run with the drush -d (debug) flag as well and it offered no hints as to why this is not returning any users.

# drush user-list --status=active -d
Bootstrap to phase 0. [0 sec, 1.71 MB]                               [bootstrap]
Drush bootstrap phase : _drush_bootstrap_drush() [0.01 sec, 1.79 MB] [bootstrap]
Cache HIT cid: 5.10.0-commandfiles-0-c35b7c271ea4bda7a0449e6064fad5d5 [0.01 sec, 1.8 MB]                                                                                                                                               [debug]
Bootstrap to phase 0. [0.04 sec, 4.24 MB]                                                                                                                                                                                          [bootstrap]
Bootstrap to phase 6. [0.04 sec, 4.24 MB]                                                                                                                                                                                          [bootstrap]
Drush bootstrap phase : _drush_bootstrap_drupal_root() [0.04 sec, 4.24 MB]                                                                                                                                                         [bootstrap]
Initialized Drupal 7.63 root directory at /var/www/localhost/domains/[OBFUSCATED]/htdocs/[OBFUSCATED] [0.05 sec, 5.12 MB]                                                                                             [notice]
Drush bootstrap phase : _drush_bootstrap_drupal_site() [0.05 sec, 5.13 MB]                                                                                                                                                         [bootstrap]
Initialized Drupal site default at sites/default [0.05 sec, 5.13 MB]                                                                                                                                                                  [notice]
Cache HIT cid: 5.10.0-commandfiles-2-c32acd775c18a90c5b41d0fc9accf5ab [0.05 sec, 5.13 MB]                                                                                                                                              [debug]
Drush bootstrap phase : _drush_bootstrap_drupal_configuration() [0.05 sec, 5.13 MB]                                                                                                                                                [bootstrap]
Drush bootstrap phase : _drush_bootstrap_drupal_database() [0.05 sec, 5.24 MB]                                                                                                                                                     [bootstrap]
Successfully connected to the Drupal database. [0.05 sec, 5.24 MB]                                                                                                                                                                 [bootstrap]
Drush bootstrap phase : _drush_bootstrap_drupal_full() [0.06 sec, 5.61 MB]                                                                                                                                                         [bootstrap]
Cache HIT cid: 5.10.0-commandfiles-5-273f7dd31de84a6c09f182bae7a365f4 [0.22 sec, 22.33 MB]                                                                                                                                             [debug]
Drush bootstrap phase : _drush_bootstrap_drupal_login() [0.23 sec, 22.65 MB]                                                                                                                                                       [bootstrap]
Successfully logged into Drupal as Anonymous (uid=0) [0.23 sec, 22.86 MB]                                                                                                                                                          [bootstrap]
Found command: user-list (commandfile=user_list) [0.23 sec, 22.86 MB]                                                                                                                                                              [bootstrap]
Command dispatch complete [0.25 sec, 23 MB]                                                                                                                                                                                           [notice]
 Timer  Cum (sec)  Count  Avg (msec) 
 page   0.197      1      196.66     

Peak memory usage was 23.6 MB [0.25 sec, 23 MB]                                                      

I have 3 current users for this site instance that I am building, and I would expect at least the 'Administrator' account to show at a minimum.

I am leveraging the LDAP module for external user authentication, so don't know if that's perhaps a factor, but end result I need is to be able to pull a list of drupal accounts, their status, and assigned roles, so that I can run scripts to perform further processing upon account creation. This module sound like exactly what I need tool-wise, but I could use a hand debugging why it's not currently returning any results.

Cheers, -Chris

jbickar commented 5 years ago

I'm not familiar with how the LDAP module works; what does drush sqlq 'select * from users' return? I.e., are there entries (users) in the users table?

nodenineinc commented 5 years ago

Good morning - thank you for the follow-up.

Just for the sake of brevity in the response, I limited the SELECT statement a bit, but as you can see, the users table returns users without any issue.

drush sqlq 'select uid,name,status from users'
mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
uid name    status
0       0
1   administrator   1
245 chris   1
3220    testuser    1
nodenineinc commented 5 years ago

Also want to add that the other built-in drush user commands, such as 'user-information' are functioning fine. For some reason though, the added 'user-list' command just returns no output.

# drush user-information testuser
 User ID       :  3220                                
 User name     :  testuser                            
 User mail     :  chris@siliconhotrod.com             
 User roles    :  authenticated user, paymentverified 
 User status   :  active                              
# drush uls
# drush user-list

And wanted to mention about the environment, we're running Drupal 7.63 for this site instance, with all the latest updates and patches applied for core and any/all installed modules and themes.