jbilander / SDBox-Mini

SDBox Mini for Amiga, compatible with the new updated card-detect firmware
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Almost working, but not quite... #6

Open RetepV opened 2 months ago

RetepV commented 2 months ago

Hi Jorgen!

I created an SDBox Mini 2b, but am running in a bit of trouble and maybe you can help.

First of all, I should say two things:

  1. I am using the SDBox Mini on a commodore CDTV. Shouldn't be a problem, I think. I burned a cdrom with all the necessary stuff. WB 1.3.3.
  2. When I ordered, I apparently ordered ATMEGA328PB instead of ATMEGA328P (wasn't careful enough). And this might be the root of the issues.

I doublechecked all solderings, and they seem fine.

I have installed all of the necessary drivers on the cdrom. I have a 4GBSD card, formatted with only one 2GB partition, FAT32 with 4096 bytes allocation size.

So far, no magic smoke.

However, when I boot the CDTV and select Mount_SDCARD, I see the IconX window appear, and I see the yellow light on the SDBox turn on. But then the IconX window just hangs there forever.

Any hints on where I should start looking?

As said, I used an ATMEGA328PB, and they are not the same as an ATMEGA328P. A few pins are reassigned, and the clock circuit is different. I was wondering if you had ever tried to use an ATMEGA328PB, as the ATMEGA328P was unobtainable for some time. It seems like it should work, but maybe the clock circuitry is causing the issue.

RetepV commented 2 months ago

Hmm, a follow up. Something that I did not try was to call Mount_SDCARD while there was no SD card plugged in. I just did that, and got the message "No disk present in unit 0". So something is at least working. :)

Plugging in an SD card however, hangs everything again. Neither Retry nor Cancel button on the system request do anything, except change colour back and forth.

jbilander commented 2 months ago

Hi, I don't know the details about the PB-version. I know it's not a drop in replacement, but I know also that Sukkopera got version 1 of SDBox working with it. He rebuilt the firmware hex.


Did you try that? if not look here https://github.com/jbilander/SDBox-v2/blob/main/images/SDBox-v2_flashing_Nano_pic4.jpg

and change to the right target mcu in the script files. https://github.com/jbilander/amiga-par-to-spi-adapter/tree/master/avr

RetepV commented 2 months ago

Thanks for the pointers! Let’s see how that goed. I didn’t think of having to recompile for the PB version, but in hindsight I guess it makes sense.

I’m checking out the code as well, so I can do some debugging. I’ll report back later!