jbilander / SF500

Spitfire 500, A low-end 14 MHz Accelerator with IDE and 4/8 MB fast RAM for the Amiga 500.
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Feature: NMI / Bus Error / Reset header. #1

Open rvalles opened 2 years ago

rvalles commented 2 years ago

It would be nice to have footprints for a header (or multiple headers) exposing NMI, BERR and Reset.

Reset and BERR (quite nifty exception) can be used directly (connect to GND to trigger). NMI would need 3 diodes (connect IPL0..2 to GND).

This would allow me (amigaXfer dev) and other developers to trigger these without having to mess with the left expansion port.

jbilander commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the info. If I make a new revision I will take a look at it, or perhaps if you are eager to have it now you could fork the repository and add it yourself. It is Open Source for a reason.