in ()
----> 1 ap.smoothVSINI(data)
/Users/dinohsu/projects/apogee_all/apogee_tools/apogee_tools/ in smoothVSINI(mspec, **kwargs)
650 #Perform rotational broadening using PyAstronomy; return flux
--> 651 rflux = pyasl.rotBroad(n_wave, n_flux, limb, vsini)
653 #Save broadened spectrum to new spectrum object
/Users/dinohsu/anaconda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/PyAstronomy/pyasl/asl/ in rotBroad(wvl, flux, epsilon, vsini, edgeHandling)
103 solution="Use evenly spaced input array."))
104 if vsini <= 0.0:
--> 105 raise(PE.PyAValError("vsini must be positive.", where="pyasl.rotBroad"))
106 if (epsilon < 0) or (epsilon > 1.0):
107 raise(PE.PyAValError("Linear limb-darkening coefficient, epsilon, should be '0 < epsilon < 1'.",
A PyA error occurred:
Type of error: PyA Value Error
What happened?
vsini must be positive.
Where did it happen?
I believe the error is that PyAstronomy doesn't like limb-darkening coefficients (epsilon) at 0 or 1. I think the default (in line 636 of should be changed to 0.6 from 0.
mdl = ap.getModel( params=[3200, 5.0, 0.0], grid='BTSETTLb', xrange=[15200,16940]) ap.smoothVSINI(mdl)
Raise the error below:
PyAValError Traceback (most recent call last)