When i assign the phyloseq object using qzt_to_phyloseq() function, it doesn't show an error. However,
when i call object to look through the data, unexpectedly it returns error.
This is the error message:
ps <-
features = "data/table-no-env.qza",
tree = "data/insertion-tree.qza",
taxonomy = "data/taxonomy.qza",
metadata = "data/metadata_noenv.tsv")
phyloseq-class experiment-level object
Error in eval(call("force", as.symbol(paste0("..", x)))) :
argument "..2" is missing, with no default
I tried to reproduce the error with reprex, but it didn't work in this case. My guess is that it could be related to an issue creating the phyloseq object, but I don't know what exactly is causing this error.
When i assign the phyloseq object using qzt_to_phyloseq() function, it doesn't show an error. However, when i call object to look through the data, unexpectedly it returns error.
This is the error message:
I tried to reproduce the error with reprex, but it didn't work in this case. My guess is that it could be related to an issue creating the phyloseq object, but I don't know what exactly is causing this error.
Can you guess what might cause this issue ?